Help Needed- 2nd and 3rd sheds....


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I had a small initial shed on propecia/ minodoxil, then a big one after 2.5 years. I'm having another one now (4.5 years in). Well, at least I hope it's a shed and not the drugs losing effect.

How many sheds have other long term users had, has your hair recovered and how far spread apart were they?

A lot is written about your first shed but not much thereafter.

Any help much appreciated.


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I had a shed after 3 years but i had stopped using it for 3 months... that was from about Jan-March this year... i think im recovering now, but lost ground. minoxidil prob didnt help.

As far as the rest of the time goes... i was just losing hairs at a normal rate. Never really had a noticeably massive shed, but then i was just taking the Proscar and not analysing my hair like i have been for the last 6 months... so its hard to know. Your not going to stop taking it anyway, so just accept that what ever happens is whatever happens and your doing all you can.


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The treatments cause many hairs to synchronize thier growth cycle so in theory you will have synchronized sheds when they all enter telogen at roughtly the same time. 2.5-2 years seems about right for a growth period


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I hope you're right mate- it's just worrying as no-one ever really seems to mention getting these 2/4/6 yr sheds.