help! need to reverse effects!


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I got minoxidil on my face & look!!

hairs are sprouting under my eyes!!!

how can i stop it!!! i will look like a wookie if it grows all over my face!!!

there must be something that works against minoxidil!!


please help!


Experienced Member
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i got those mate! had them before minoxidil. getting them side of eyebrows now. just pluck them out with tweezers. serious, simple.


Established Member
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yep that or get them lazered out.
No other option really, there is a follicile in there and it will grow hair!


Senior Member
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how long did those take to grow? i want to put minoxidil on my bicepts so the hair will get darker and bigger so I can laser it. probably expensive to use all that minoxidil. was it just a few applications or several?


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Okay, i will be completely honest with you.

I used rogaine to fill a few gaps in my beard in.

i reacted really well to it. was applying 3 times day.
after the first bottle had done, id had very good reaction to where i applied it.
so went onto the seccond bottle....
then that ran out.

my gaps have filled in well. the hairs just need to thicken now.

but a week after the seccond bottle ran out... is when i noticed all these other hairs growing where i had not applied it!

i had noticed a bit of reaction on other parts of my body too... where it had been no where arms, ect, ect....

not much tho.

So now im getting what i wanted, but with a price to pay.

im currentlyusing copper peptides to thicken out the parts i want to....
but i still need to grow a bitmore at the top of my sideburns.

but i darent use minoxidil again, even though i have more on order.
cause theres gonna be way too much to pluck in unwanted areas!

now i dont know if this is an overall body reaction.
or if its from rubbing my face on the pillow at night & it spreading about.

which is most likely?

an overall effect?
or getting it rubbed into the wrong areas?

how can i STOP it!!!!

cant i use vasoconstrictors?
