Help me with my Book


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Hi guys

Im 22 and am almost clean bald on top already, horsehoe is there and I razor bic it in the shower everyday. I have been losing it since my late teens and its totally relentless. Looks ok. Anyway, that's me. For the past few weeks Ive been writing a totally original book entirely dedicated to certain aspects of male pattern baldness. (I have a masters degree in Literature so I really know how to write when the situation calls for it). The book is not about the science of hair loss, but is dedicated to the psychological effects of baldness, and the negative portrayal of bald men in various forms of media. My aim is to write a book that bald men can read and feel inspired by, but also one that really proves to the judgemental masses that hair loss is not trivial and that the stereotypes associated with it are BULLSHIT. I see questions from you guys on this forum that say things like 'why is it ok to mock a bald man but not an overweight woman'? These are exactly the type of questions that my book intends to bring to the public's attention. The book is an exploration of how hair loss affects us. It is a voice for people who are unfortunately never heard outside the confines of this forum. To get an idea of what I am focusing on, here is a brief extract...

Thus my aim is to express to you, the reader, whether you are male or female, bald or coiffed, an exploration of the trivialised subject of male pattern baldness. Trivialised you say? In what sense is baldness trivialised? Well I put it to you now, in the simplest possible terms, that male pattern baldness is treated as a joke. It is not taken seriously except by those it cruelly afflicts, and those who are willing to listen and listen hard to the cruelly afflicted. Not convinced? You will be.

An inflammatory disease of the sebaceous glands, characterized by comedones and pimples, esp. on the face, back, and chest, and, in severe cases, by cysts and nodules resulting in scarring.

This is a dictionary definition of acne. From this definition we can see the implications of this affliction: The person with acne develops spots in visible places, and these spots can result in scarring in these visible places. What conclusion can we draw from this? If I may be so bold, I propose that one can view acne as in some sense a deformity, an aesthetic problem that we would rather not experience because of the affect it has on our social life and self-confidence regarding our physical appearance. Now, baldness is exactly the same in terms of the conclusions that we may draw; like acne, it is a physical impairment for most people because they often feel that put bluntly; it detracts from their looks and makes them seem unattractive to others within a social context. Not convinced? Ok. Here is a list of common complaints from bald/balding men regarding the ways in which they think hair loss affects their appearance:

It makes me look so much older than I am.

I’ve got a big red f*****g birthmark on head. What the hell am I supposed to do now?

It just looks really unhealthy.

It makes me look like a Nazi.

It makes me look totally featureless.

It accentuates negative things about my face like the size of my nose and the wrinkles on my forehead.

The shape of my head is atrocious; I cannot bear to shave my hair short, so now I am stuck with looking decades older than I am and there is nothing I can do about it.

No front hairline means my face is no longer framed and I think this really changes how my face actually looks.

It makes me look like a thug.

My skin is too pale and so it makes me look like a cancer victim.
I’ve always worn a beard but now I can’t anymore because it looks ridiculous with such short hair.

What choice do I have? I can either look old or look like a Nazi.
It just looks wrong.

Given these statements, which I have heard more times than I can count, I think it is very obvious that male pattern baldness is a condition which, like acne, has significant implications for the victim’s social life and sense of self-worth. Yet is baldness treated with the same sensitivity and concern as acne? In two words: absolutely not. How many times have you heard jokes directed at bald men regarding their hair? More than you can remember I wager. Now how often do you hear jokes directed at people with acne? How often have you heard someone greet someone else with the expression ‘hey crater face’? Unless you’re still in grade school, it is almost never. The fact is that it is politically incorrect to mock someone with acne but it is not to mock someone with baldness, even though these two conditions mirror each other precisely in their negative implications for the individual concerned..

etc etc

This is only one small extract from a book that I hope will finish up at around 30000 words including several informative pictures. I am confident that I can write well enough and know enough about this original and important subject to get it published. I am choosing to include one section at the end which I need your help with. I want to dedicate a section to what you guys have to say to people who do not suffer from baldness. I want you to have a voice, to address them directly. I am not looking for detailed accounts of how hair loss has affected your social life, since this will have been included earlier. Rather i am looking for short and snappy words of wisdom you have to say to the judgemental, that they can take away with them and really think about. If you have something, anything, that you really want to get off your chest, to let all those who dont know exactly how it feels to expereince hair loss what it is REALLY like, then post it please. If you want to address it to women, great. If you want to address it to Hollywood to tell them to stop casting bald guys as evil villains, even better!! I just want a section where the voice of the bald man is heard directly adressing those who fail to see the significance of hair loss..

many thanks and hope to hear from you soon...


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The only reason it doesn't seem like people get mocked for acne past high school is because that's when it mainly occurs. At any age, people with acne are mocked with comments, mainly questions as to why they don't take proactiv. In fact, once you experience the paralyzing effect that acne can have on life, it makes you want to backhand anyone who is complaining about hairloss. I see what you're saying about it being more inappropriate to mock somebody with acne, though.

If I were trying to explain why the two are viewed differently, I'd say it's because baldness simply isn't as big of an issue. A lot of people joke about baldness because they figure it doesn't bother the balding person, because in reality it's not really a big deal. If they knew there were people spending hours per day applying topicals and doing manual haircounts while they weep on a message board about how they can't meet women in their offtime, those jokes wouldn't be happening. It sounds like you're aiming to make them know that is going on, I just hope you also represent the many people who aren't socially handicapped as a result of their hairloss.

Perhaps obesity is similar to acne. It's far more socially unacceptable to be grossly obese than it is to be bald, whether the bald/fat person wants to admit it or not.

Anyways, good luck, I'd love to read it when you're finished.


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I'm sure that a lot of bald/balding guys will buy it but nobody else will. whether it will give them any comfort is another story.
You are dead right though there is definatly a stigma attached to going bald. Simply because the majority of men although they may experience slight thinning or receeding as they age will never have to suffer fully losing the majority of their hair. Indeed the rest of the population literally takes their hair for granted.
There's no doubt that it is viewed by society as a fefinate unnatractive physical flaw. Hairloss is associated with the aging process and makes many young men look old before their time. And its scientific fact that looks do count in this world.
Would Tom Cruise and Brad Pitt be as succesful if they were bald? Look at David Beckham, theres no doubt that he's a good footballer but would he be such a mega star with multimillion pound sponsership deals if he had a bald head instead of his famous golden locks?
I've studied psychology as its an interest of mine and psychologists are well aware of the emotional impact it can have on a person. If you do not feel attractive and feel that there is something wrong with you how can you be truly happy?
The worst thing about hairloss is that it is both beyond your control and it is'nt your fault that it happens (the unfairness factor).
Losing your hair is something that all sufferes have to go through in public, but the implications of it are something that they have to deal with in private.
Balding men are much more likely to feel unconfident about themselves because of this experience. I once read a study where 100 bald men were asked "If you could have hair for life in return for giving up the last ten years of your life would you do it?" 98 of the men said yes!
You've only got to read some of the posts on here to see that for most balding men it becomes an obsession.

Hope this helps


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tchehov said:
Good one, IBM. :lol:

Am i a model? Or you think that i register a new user and open the thread?

If the latter then the answer is no.


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Jeez, I was just being mildly ironic, comparing the terseness of your own posts with all that blather above.


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great post, saf....that sums it all up.

going bald is awful at any age but completely disastrous when it happens in men in their teens/twenties.

been nw7 now for 20 years and i know that my confidence has been damaged beyond repair by it...for the more fragile among us it must drive them to depths of despair....well i always thought it probably did and now i've discovered this forum, i know for sure it does.

zackmaqueen: as regards your book or your professed goal of re-educating the hirsuite masses, until the media and hollywood stops discriminating against us and excluding baldies from being the hero it's not going to happen.

but good luck and keep us posted on publication details.


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Thanks for the support (again) Ginald. Obviously you are one of the most qualified guys to voice an opinion on this subject, but I cant say I blame hollywood and the media for our social standing. The thing is they are just supplying the images to satisfy the tastes of the general public en masse.
The fact is us bald/balding guys are on a par with the moderatly overweight or that guy who's only 5'4" tall. We are not freaks but we have the unfortunate physical defect that is deemed as undiserable to the majority. Think about it would you honestly expect to see Cameron Diaz passed up for a movie role and it be given to Dawn French instead.
Bruce Willis, Jason Statham and Vin Deisel have all managed to overcome the odds to rise to the top in Hollywood.


s.a.f said:
Bruce Willis, Jason Statham and Vin Deisel have all managed to overcome the odds to rise to the top in Hollywood.

Don't know anything about Statham, but VIN Diesel and Bruce are much more attractive than the average balding male. People should stop using these guys as examples.


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JayMan said:
Don't know anything about Statham, but VIN Diesel and Bruce are much more attractive than the average balding male. People should stop using these guys as examples.

Ar'nt all Hollywood stars more attractive than normal, wether they are bald or not?


s.a.f said:
JayMan said:
Don't know anything about Statham, but VIN Diesel and Bruce are much more attractive than the average balding male. People should stop using these guys as examples.

Ar'nt all Hollywood stars more attractive than normal, wether they are bald or not?

most are, yes, definitely. those guys bruce and vin have enormous talent, muscles, and great facial features.


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When do they ever play the cool action hero or get the beautiful woman?


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I don't think this book has any purpose other than for your own therapy. People who aren't balding don't care and won't ever bother reading it. And as a balding man myself, I couldn't think of anything more depressing than reading a book about my "deformity" unless it's going to help me grow my hair back. I get comfort from seeing successful bald men living their lives as if hair loss is not even an issue. I don't want to dwell on it... if I can't fix it then screw it.


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'People who aren't balding don't care and won't ever bother reading it':

I think you are probably right. But being as I am unemployed at the moment and have a lot of free time I think that there is no harm in at least trying. Someone has to if you actually want people to start caring.

'I get comfort from seeing successful bald men living their lives as if hair loss is not even an issue':

A considerable portion of the book is dedicated to this. It is not a negative book. Since I want to attack the sterotype, it is logical that I focus on the positive.

'I don't think this book has any purpose other than for your own therapy':

Please don't make uninformed judgements like that. I don't want to be an arrogant a**h**, but I have the body of travis fimmel, the skin tone of vin diesel (except healthier looking), and people tell me I look like Freddie Ljungberg on a weekly basis. Baldness is an issue to us because of the effect on our appearance;well, to be honest, iam not worried about mine and hence do not need therapy for myself. But 3 years ago, when it all started, I would have done. and I havent forgotten how that feels. This book is not a means for me to vent my personal frustrations with women or the media or anyone else. It is simply to voice the concerns and fears that never escape the confines of forums like this.



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Its about time someone wrote this. I did a similar thing whilst recovering from my last hair transplant about 9 A4 pages its posted on another forum. I found it very theraputic as I've been dealing with this experience for about 12 yrs now. If you are interested in seeing it send me a pm.


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I had to google Freddie Ljungberg and Travis Fimmel but I must say I am very sound like quite the stud! I present a worthy package myself, combining the flawless bone structure of Jake Gyllenhaal with the unrelenting sex appeal of Kim Jong Il. Needless to say, I think we are both exceptionally beautiful men. Anyway, I still won't read your book (unless it's recommended by Oprah) but I wish you luck.