Healthy Looking Terminal Hairs Not Growing Or Constantly Shedding?


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Since about 18 my hair suddenly stopped growing beyond the length of a few inches. I never did anything about it until about half a year ago when i tried RU and in the last 4 months added finasteride to that. The hair at the very front which was actually thinning has improved, these were still terminal but have thickened and look like the hair on the rest of my head now. I asked a similar question before and someone said these were all miniaturized, but from my understanding miniaturized hairs don't look exactly like normal thick healthy hair, they are usually noticeably thinner. But that's exactly what they are in my case and they still don't grow, which i find strange.

The thing is none of my hair which looks completely healthy grows around the top and sides beyond maybe 4 inches. I went through some recession over the years but its completely stabilized now on this treatment and still it wont grow beyond that length..The hair on the back of my head does grow at a normal rate and grows till i cut it like normal hair should. So basically i can only grow a mullet if i want to grow it beyond a very short length. Anyone ever heard of anything like this or experienced it? Maybe I need to go on minoxidil because the follicles have been damaged to the point where they can only support hair of a certain length?

Its male pattern baldness related for sure since the back which is generally the dht resistant area grows fine. The front and sides still not growing even on what I'd imagine is a near complete suppression of DHT with RU and finasteride combined is pretty odd.

I should mention that I have a yet undiagnosed condition where I'm constantly fatigued...but no blood tests have ever shown anything unusual which rules out thyroid or iron problems so its probably chronic fatigue syndrome, which has no effect on hair. Could always be something else though i guess, but even the hair on the back of my head would be affected in the same way as the rest in that case.


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That's strange never heard about that on these forums before, I couldn't imagine it is related to male pattern baldness: the whole your hair not growing...


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That's strange never heard about that on these forums before, I couldn't imagine it is related to male pattern baldness: the whole your hair not growing...

Cant tell if thats sarcasm or not..I've genuinely never heard of anyone having problems growing normal healthy looking hair. Seems to me that most people can grow anything but vellus hair to any length as far as I know. Even people with very aggressive hair loss can grow the hair that they havent lost yet from what i understand. A friend of mine has suddenly started losing his hair very fast on his crown but the hair that's still there can still grow longer than mine, its very thin but it grows to the length of the rest of his hair.

Kind of hope it is male pattern baldness related now that I'm just after buying a year supply of finasteride though..


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I've read some peoples hair just takes longer to grow, but not growing past a certain length sounds weird.


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I am all but certain I have male pattern baldness (typical temple corner recession/ miniaturization) but at the temples corners I do have normal thickness hairs that don't seem to grow longer 1-3 centimeters. These hairs have given me false hope a few times, I thought they would grow full length but after a couple of months each hair sheds and grows back to the same length.


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I am all but certain I have male pattern baldness (typical temple corner recession/ miniaturization) but at the temples corners I do have normal thickness hairs that don't seem to grow longer 1-3 centimeters. These hairs have given me false hope a few times, I thought they would grow full length but after a couple of months each hair sheds and grows back to the same length.

1-3 cm sounds like you could put it down to miniaturization though maybe. Literally everything but the hair on the back of my head is like this and its at 4-5 inches in places.


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1-3 cm sounds like you could put it down to miniaturization though maybe. Literally everything but the hair on the back of my head is like this and its at 4-5 inches in places.

it could be, but I personally associated miniaturization with thin hair strands more. There are much longer strands that are thinner.


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Minoxidil is cheap, so why not use it. It might make your hair grow faster. I had a girlfriend that had long hair, and just used it to grow her hair faster. The worst case, it won't work that well. But it has science to back it up (it's FDA approved in the United States).

but isn't it a hassle to use? Don't you have to apply it twice a day?