Have u personally had any sideffects with Propecia/Finasteride/Proscar?


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I'm seriously considering taking it because my hair loss has progressed to the point where while I have hair all over my head, its just thin in the front and sides.

The side effects I've read about scare me, like others, I'm sure, but I also know a lot of people complain on the internet for no reason.

I'll be talking to my doctor tomorrow, but I wanted to know fellow hair loss talk members, have u personally had any sideffects with Propecia/Finasteride/Proscar? if so, what?


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Only thing I got so far was watery semen but went back to normal after 2 months. I think loss of morning wood, watery semen, lower libido are the most common sides people get and most of them disappear after awhile.


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Only thing I got so far was watery semen but went back to normal after 2 months. I think loss of morning wood, watery semen, lower libido are the most common sides people get and most of them disappear after awhile.

thx. have u had any kids since u started propecia? is all good with them?


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costco generic finsteride, 1.25 mg per day for 15 months now.

I was deathly afraid of the side effects, namely gyno since I'm prone to it. But the only side effect I got from Finasteride was that it COMPLETELY cleared up my acne in about two weeks - a problem I had struggled with for roughly 23 years (I'm 37 now).

just started generic dutasteride (I received 'Combutas' which I'm a little worried about - hopefully it's not bogus) - Since I did not have negative side effects from finasteride, I do not expect side effects from dutasteride.


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I've started finsteride 1mg/day about ~4 months ago. Had sexual sides (reduced libido + watery sperm + soft erections) for the first few weeks.
Nowadays - the sides are not noticeable or mild (however sometimes I feel the inside of my throat swelling about 2 hours after taking the pill - probably an allergic reaction as I haven't found others complaining on it - but I'm still taking it for the moment).


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me again - I've been on finasteride for something like 15.5 months - no side effects other than that it completely eliminated an acne problem I've had my entire life.

I added .5mg every other day of generic dutasteride now roughly two weeks ago, and I can say now without a shadow of a doubt that my acne is rapidly returning. I hope it is temporary, but if not I may have to go back to finasteride only.


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I took 1 mg finasteride for 2 days and had significant sexual side effects: watery semen, weak orgasm, numbness, no morning wood. I stopped after 2 pills and normal function returned finally after 2 full weeks.

1 month later I restarted with 0.25 mg finasteride daily. It's been 6 days and so far no sides like I had with 1 mg.

i will update with hair progress after a few months with before/after pics. I'm hoping the 0.25 mg program works for me.


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I was on propecia for about 4 weeks, had ED, weird sensation in penis, watery semen. Also my legs were kind of weak.


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Yeah im in the same Boat as you OP. There's so much contradicting information online. I don't know what to believe. I think at the end of the day you need to either take the finasteride and accept that you may be risking side effects, or just not take it. If you want a security blanket/ comfort then I don't think finasteride is a good idea


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Yeah im in the same Boat as you OP. There's so much contradicting information online. I don't know what to believe. I think at the end of the day you need to either take the finasteride and accept that you may be risking side effects, or just not take it. If you want a security blanket/ comfort then I don't think finasteride is a good idea
same boat myself, and same answer. I'd probably get peace of mind about hair loss by popping a finasteride every night, but I'd inevitably end up losing any sense of security if sexual sides popped up


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I spoke with my Doctor about it today. He said that he has never heard of anyone having any long term effects from Finasteride post usage. He said that around 20-30% of people get symptoms (alot higher than I previously heard) but that the symptoms would go away post usage. He mentioned that you can stay on Finasteride even if you have symptoms and that its basically up to you if its worth it or not. He said the symptoms that worry him are any symptoms regarding prostate health. If you had any dripping etc. He also recommend that if I were to take Finasteride I could take a natural erectile dysfunction supplement for both physical and counter possible nocebo benefits. He mentioned that PSA testing wasn't required for younger patients taking the drug. So yeah, idk.


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7 years no concrete sides

I've been taking 1g finasteride for 7 years without sexual sides. I have noticed a slight increase in size of preexisting gyno that I've had since puberty, and it's become near impossible to lose weight. Hair looks good but I'm considering quitting as losing weight is very important to me.


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My hair is growing back but I am starting to develop a rash, they look like hives but don't itch at all. It is really frustrating because I want to start a thread but I need three posts
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costco generic finsteride, 1.25 mg per day for 15 months now.

I was deathly afraid of the side effects, namely gyno since I'm prone to it. But the only side effect I got from Finasteride was that it COMPLETELY cleared up my acne in about two weeks - a problem I had struggled with for roughly 23 years (I'm 37 now).

just started generic dutasteride (I received 'Combutas' which I'm a little worried about - hopefully it's not bogus) - Since I did not have negative side effects from finasteride, I do not expect side effects from dutasteride.

me again - I've been on finasteride for something like 15.5 months - no side effects other than that it completely eliminated an acne problem I've had my entire life.

I added .5mg every other day of generic dutasteride now roughly two weeks ago, and I can say now without a shadow of a doubt that my acne is rapidly returning. I hope it is temporary, but if not I may have to go back to finasteride only.

You have had your acne CURED by finasteride? I thought finasteride caused acne, in some cases... Amazing though, I'd like to know more what finasteride's true effect on acne is.
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I experienced side effect the first 2 weeks, but I'm good now. The sides were not that bad, you have a 98% chance you won't have any. And, if you do, they will wear off.


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Shows it really is a lottery and you have to gamble and see what you end up with. You have accounts ranging from no noticeable side effects all the way to some horror stories like impotence and penile atrophy.