Have I stopped shedding? , my story


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My story: I never thought I was gonna start losing hair since my father has lots of it, although my grandpa on my mother's side does have frontal baldness. But when I turned 19 I let my curly hair grow chin length. Then when I went to live in France as an exchange student, turned 21 and started losing massive amounts of hair specially in the shower, I was getting so many hairs when I passed my hand, and the shower was full of hair, but I apparently still had so many that I did not look balding a lot, I thought the cause for hairloss was the water in France or something.

[In France I also became some sort of sex addict]

I also used to masturbate a lot, keep my hair long, and use lots of hair styling products, some of them in spray form contained alcohol that would itch my scalp.

My stylist also said that in his 40 years of experience he notices that men with long hair lose their hair way more.

By the time I was 23 I started to notice that I was apparently frontal baldness, and I started to hide it with my long curly hair to a point where this could not be done anymore.

Then I saw a dermatologist and he said that I had frontal baldness of the lesser level of severity. He prescribed Propecia (finasteride), it worked the first few months and then the shedding resumed specially at the temples, after almost a year it was clear that Propecia wasn't working.
I visited the dermatologist again and then he prescribed Avodart (dutasteride), it worked perfectly and my hair loss stopped completely, then I had a small hair transplant to cover the loss I already had, and have been using it for 6 years without apparent side effects.

A few years ago I decided to cut my hair short and so far I keep it short and no longer use hair gel. And the only thing I use for my hair besides avodart is neutrogena tgel shampoo.

A few years ago I became gnostic, and I stopped ejaculating semen. They said harnessing one's sexual energy helps the body look younger. So I assume it could help with hair loss, still I was afraid of stopping my avodart treatment.

3 months ago I moved temporarily from Mexico to the USA and ran out of avodart only to realize that getting prescribed meds in the states is a PITA!, in Mexico they don't even ask for the RX to get your meds.

So after 3 months I haven't seen the hair shedding resume, my pillow is clean, I leave no hair in the shower, etc. I was wondering if I'm out of danger of shedding hair and no longer need avodart, is it possible for hair loss simply to revert?


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Honestly: no, no and no. You're not out of danger of shedding, do not no longer need avodart and your hairloss surely will not revert.

Your masturbation and your long hair also didn't have to do with your hairloss. Unfortunately these are myths.

If I were you I would get on avodart again and not waste time. Especially since you have been using it without problems for so long and because you seem to be worried and come to a hair loss forum.

Good luck!