Have I lost ground? .5 finasteride every day


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I've been on finasteride for 10 months and I think I'm still losing :/ thoughts? It has definitely decreased my hair fall so I thought it was working but looking at this progress picture I am not sure.


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What is your full regime? You use Ketaconazole like Regenepure DR and Nizoral? Why not try 1mg?


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What is your full regime? You use Ketaconazole like Regenepure DR and Nizoral? Why not try 1mg?
I got gyno from 1 mg. Nizoral isnt available in my country unfortunately but I use an antidandruff shampoo with zinc and B6 which I thought was good. I alos use the ordinary hair care serum and zix semi-regularly. I used minoxidil but stopped a couple months ago because of how it was affecting my face. Do you think I'm losing ground? It's hard for me to tell.


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Looks like you have maintained in my opinion. It looks like the hair on your temples was uncombed in your first picture, whereas it was combed back in all the following pictures. Maybe you have thinned a bit on the top left of your temple area, but seem to have thickened around your temple peak, but this could just be seasonal change in my opinion. Maybe consider using 1% of topical finasteride which equals 1 mg of oral finasteride if you feel like you're not doing enough for your hair, or something like 1 mg oral finasteride on Monday, Wednesday and Friday and 0.5 mg the rest of the week.


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I got gyno from 1 mg. Nizoral isnt available in my country unfortunately but I use an antidandruff shampoo with zinc and B6 which I thought was good. I alos use the ordinary hair care serum and zix semi-regularly. I used minoxidil but stopped a couple months ago because of how it was affecting my face. Do you think I'm losing ground? It's hard for me to tell.
You have grown some hair after, you need to also target scalp DHT....