Have i any options? with pics

Follically Challenged

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Dogs3 said:
Dr Rassman from baldingblog has said repeatedly that although early tests indicate that dutasteride may have an impact on lowering sperm counts, finasteride has not shown to have any impact on sperm count whatsoever. So your postulation is incorrect, at least as far as finasteride goes.

And as far as coal tar and t-gel, yeah its a good shampoo, but your not going to hold on to your hair when youve got agressive male pattern baldness with a damn shampoo, and i used revita as well by the way, they threw in a bunch of s*** and it is also probably a good shampoo, but its not going to work as well as finasteride or dutasteride.

I think telling the guy that he WILL experience side effects is downright selfish, what the hell do you have against these two drugs? Why not tell him "hey, the sides got to me but the overwhelming evidence is that they won't get to you". Or you could go on a tangent about how "merck lies" and bs like that.

Look, the sexual sides from finasteride from the trials were around 1%. The placebo's sexual sides were just under 1%, read up on these forums, and make your own decision. but dont expect to maintain your hair for very long with coal tar and minoxidil.

From my first post, before I mention any sides effects caused by finasteride:

You'll find all of the big 3 have their problems, although not everyone experiences them. Minoxidil causes water retention (giving people a fat face sometimes) and also there have been reports of dark circles under one's eyes, as well as poor looking skin and premature wrinkling. I got a fat face form it and discontinued use, although it is an excellent growth stimulant. It would be worth trying.

Follically Challenged

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Dogs3 said:
And follically challenged, you got me, i dont exactly know what the hell nizoral does thats good for your hair. Apparently there is some evidence that it is a good topical anti androgen, i think thats it right? Whatever, I didn't post here to debate some damn shampoos anyway. I just wanted to post the facts about propecia.

It's been theorized the ketoconazole may block the androgen receptor site, although I've seen nothng credible that would make me believe that to be true.

Ketoconazole has been shown to lower hirsutism scores (free floating testosterone counts) in females.


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Ok So i have proscar and minoxil or whatever its called on the way, i dont have the foam but another type. My question is this, how should i use these? I'm going to get a t/sal shampoo also, but ive heard with the proscar people cut it into 10 slices and others saying cut it into 4 slices so each 10 slice tablet would equal 0.25mg per dose with each of the 4 sections 1,mg a dose, which is best?

Also with the minoxidil, should i only start using it after i take the propecia or should i start both at the same time?


Follically Challenged

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rickywatts said:
Ok So i have proscar and minoxil or whatever its called on the way, i dont have the foam but another type. My question is this, how should i use these? I'm going to get a t/sal shampoo also, but ive heard with the proscar people cut it into 10 slices and others saying cut it into 4 slices so each 10 slice tablet would equal 0.25mg per dose with each of the 4 sections 1,mg a dose, which is best?

Also with the minoxidil, should i only start using it after i take the propecia or should i start both at the same time?


Quarter the Proscar, start whatever you get first.


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Thanks mate and i appreciate your altenative advice, you seem to know your stuff and ive taken into account what you have said, but for some reason its just a gut feeling i think i can get a full head of hair back using the big three. I'm starting to get way too paranoid about baliding and i think its mainly caused by stress, i hope this can help me get my confidence back.

Follically Challenged

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rickywatts said:
Thanks mate and i appreciate your altenative advice, you seem to know your stuff and ive taken into account what you have said, but for some reason its just a gut feeling i think i can get a full head of hair back using the big three. I'm starting to get way too paranoid about baliding and i think its mainly caused by stress, i hope this can help me get my confidence back.

Good luck man, you've chosen a solid regimen for hair loss, you should do well on it.

I really don't know as much as it might seem, I just try to stay abreast of the potential treatments out there.


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rickywatts said:
I think i'd be better off bald than have man boobs and a small c***. I think its time i just accepted it.

You my friend are wise beyond your years! I wish I had that attitude at 21yo. I had the same thinning u have at that age..and it's still like that today. I finally buzzed my head and feel great. I'm 32. I did it 10 yrs ago but quickly regrew it cuz I was self conscious about it. Now I love it.

Maybe try the foam for some regrowth. But my opinion on prescription meds would be to stay away from them. Not worth f-ing with your sex hormones.



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rickywatts said:
Where is the cheapest places to get the real finasteride/propecia online or to get it in the uk?

Would it be cheaper getting it from a doctor?

Never mind my last post.


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malibujoe said:
rickywatts said:
Where is the cheapest places to get the real finasteride/propecia online or to get it in the uk?

Would it be cheaper getting it from a doctor?

Never mind my last post.



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I'm going to give it a go. If it dosent work it dosent work, but at least i tried. Dont try and make me feel bad :(


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All I can say is that your head shape looks great. Funny thing is that I was talking yesterday with the man that has about the same amount of hair as you do and I didn't noticed his hairloss.
My advice is...what ever you do dont let the hairloss to be your main obsession....doing so you will only stop developing your other qualities which are in fact far more important, especially to girls. Trust me on this!!!
Communication skills, confidence, smile, humor, spirit...all that will attract every girl...even dough some of them in the start may not prefer bald guys...

Anyway, I encourage you to fight male pattern baldness but in some relaxed fashion. Some good treatments are about to come (3-5years or sooner) which may longer or will stop hairloss.
Sorry for bad English.

Good luck mate!


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there are always options, its just a matter if you are willing to pick them.


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when you say Ketoconazole lowers testosterone in women? was that a study where the women where using it topically?


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hey bro,im 21 too,i got the same condition with u but i hav receding hairlines,pathetic rite?


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i think the people that got man boobs from finasteride were fat lazy slobs to begin with and never go to the gym and it dosent shrink your di** i would get on finasteride and rogaine foam asap and you should do good


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pmill said:
i think the people that got man boobs from finasteride were fat lazy slobs to begin with and never go to the gym and it dosent shrink your di** i would get on finasteride and rogaine foam asap and you should do good

lol true that

ricky, you should def add rogaine foam. it does wonders. Nizoral wasn't all that great for me, so I use Coal Tar shampoo instead.

I have been on propecia for 1.5 years and foam for 4 months. The results have been AWESOME and I have had no sides whatsoever.

Goodluck to ya bro.