Haunted-ballroom's story (now with some bad quality pics!!!)


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Bout time I told my story, although there isnt much to tell really...
As far back as I can remember Ive always had a v-shape hairline and really curly hair. All my uncles are nw7's but my father only started to lose hair in his 50's. About 4 years ago, I had really long hair and also wanted to see if I could leave it unwashed for a while to see if it would mat lol. Anyway, in the shower one day, massive amounts of hair started falling out. I ignored it thinking its just more noticeable becasue its long. Since then my hair has been falling out all over the place. Its in my hats, my pillow, shower everywhere. I went to my doctor and asked him about it and he said, if its male pattern baldness, there is nothing you can do about it. There are younger people than you who are loseing hair. I shaved my head last year and noticed for the first time how bad my hairline is. Its about nw3 now if im being generous. I found this forum maybe 1.5 -2 years ago and joined under a different name (which I cant remember what it was or my password, hence new name). But I said to myself, that I was not going to start treating it and just hope for the best. That was a stupid idea as since then I have lost so much hair and its slick bald in those areas. Anyway, I ordered finasteride, rogaine foam and nizoral 1% before christmas. Nizoral arrived yesterday and finasteride today. Just took my first pill a few mins ago. I intent to just use rogaine on the temples at the moment. I would hope to get back to a nw2 if possible or at least maintain what ive got. I just wish I started when I was on this site the first time! Ah well


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Re: haunted-ballroom's "story"

haunted-ballroom said:
Bout time I told my story, although there isnt much to tell really...
As far back as I can remember Ive always had a v-shape hairline and really curly hair. All my uncles are nw7's but my father only started to lose hair in his 50's. About 4 years ago, I had really long hair and also wanted to see if I could leave it unwashed for a while to see if it would mat lol. Anyway, in the shower one day, massive amounts of hair started falling out. I ignored it thinking its just more noticeable becasue its long. Since then my hair has been falling out all over the place. Its in my hats, my pillow, shower everywhere. I went to my doctor and asked him about it and he said, if its male pattern baldness, there is nothing you can do about it. There are younger people than you who are loseing hair. I shaved my head last year and noticed for the first time how bad my hairline is. Its about nw3 now if im being generous. I found this forum maybe 1.5 -2 years ago and joined under a different name (which I cant remember what it was or my password, hence new name). But I said to myself, that I was not going to start treating it and just hope for the best. That was a stupid idea as since then I have lost so much hair and its slick bald in those areas. Anyway, I ordered finasteride, rogaine foam and nizoral 1% before christmas. Nizoral arrived yesterday and finasteride today. Just took my first pill a few mins ago. I intent to just use rogaine on the temples at the moment. I would hope to get back to a nw2 if possible or at least maintain what ive got. I just wish I started when I was on this site the first time! Ah well

I just started my routine myself. Tell me, did you feel a great sense of relief ingesting the pill?


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we'll be on the same regemin, im on finasteride now for a month, and i ordered rogaine foam on ebay and will be starting it next week. you should post a pic, or at least take some to document your progress. i'm nw3 and hoping to go back to nw2 area as well


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Yeah I feel alot less anxious about hairloss now since I took my first pill. Its strange, but it feels good to try and do something about it. Origionally, I was just going to leave it and hope it would stop itself :roll: .

I cant take pics at the moment as I dont have a digital camera or camera phone. But I will get one soon and post some pics


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haunted-ballroom said:
Yeah I feel alot less anxious about hairloss now since I took my first pill. Its strange, but it feels good to try and do something about it. Origionally, I was just going to leave it and hope it would stop itself :roll: .

I cant take pics at the moment as I dont have a digital camera or camera phone. But I will get one soon and post some pics

I waited six months cause I was too embarassed to admit to anyone about my male pattern baldness. I got enough courage and my doctor was great. As far as buying Rogaine is concerned, I use the "self-checkout" lane. Problems solved.

You know what? Its been 3 days since I have been on the big 3 and already the intense itching and flaking of my scalp has stopped.

I hope I have a massive shed that makes me bald (shedding weaker hairs means that bigger more healthier hairs are to take the follicles place)


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Looks like Ive begun shedding. Not that I really noticed any more hair falling out, but the areas where I have been using minoxidil have definatly thinned out quite a bit. I havnt been stareing at my hairline in the mirror or anything, but just noticed this evening that its quite a bit worse than it was.
Pretty sick of the smell of that foam now, I kind of liked it at first but its pissing me off now lol.
I havnt noticed any drastic sides, less erections lol, but can still get it up when it counts! Should get back to normal anyway hopefully. Ive been really tired lately but that could be cause im stressed out recently from non hair related things. Scalp is fine, no itching or anything. Either nizoral is helping with that or the treatments just never irritated my scalp. Hard to say as I started the big 3 all at once.
My hair looks a mess now though, is long and just looks really bad lol. Ill need to get a haircut soon. Still no pics though, ive no way to take them and put em on the pc.


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Just saw in your regimen that you're back on finasteride, could you give a little update what's the plan?( dosage?, sides?)


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Beethoven said:
Just saw in your regimen that you're back on finasteride, could you give a little update what's the plan?( dosage?, sides?)

Hey, Yeah Im back on finasteride. Im taking 1mg daily as before. I havnt got any sides yet. I think my previous "sides" when taking finasteride were more in my head than anything else as I was constantly reading posts on sites like propeciasideeffects.com and it was on my mind all the time.
Ive decided to try again and if I get sides I will reduce the dosage. However, I have been staying away from side effects forums and sites and havnt been thinking about side effects at all. I just take the pill in the morning and dont think about it at all.
I really didnt feel confident enough to cut out finasteride and try all topicals. I had bought spironolactone lotion but I know I wouldnt be able to stick to putting that and rogaine foam on my head everyday. I would be pretty angry with myself in the future if I didnt give finasteride a proper try.

Ive been getting good results from the foam. Ive been on it about 2 months now I think and there are lots of new hairs in the temple area and around the hairline. The temple area's were slick bald before. I hope these hairs thicken up in the future.


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your temples receeded but the density on your hair is still great. If you want regrow, you will probabily need to use Rogain. If you only want to maintain, finasteride will be enough for you IMO. GL!


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Hello there, Just thought id post an update. Havnt been around here much lately, hope your all well!

Well in January it will be two years since I started treatment. Although there was a couple of weeks in February where I quit finasteride but was back on it pretty quick. My hair is pretty much in the same position. There have been days when I thought ive receded further and days when I thought things have gotten much better. I have grown some hair in the temple region which doesnt make a huge difference, but any improvment is a bonus really. I still have alot of small white hairs in the temples that I hope might thicken up a bit but if I can maintain what I have now thats good enough for me.

The pics I posted before are rubbish quality so I dont know if me posting pics now is of any use... but if anyone wants to see some I can post them.


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Hey could you please post the new pics! My hairloss is somewhat similar to yours, it would be very encouraging to see someone else have some success.


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yeah, ive also got the same hairloss as u. been using finasteride for around 18 months. really thick hair on top. with no real change in temple area. be quite happy to mantain untill my 30,s then get a transplant. :punk: