Hasson & Rahal both recommend less than 2000 grafts?


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I went had a in person consultation with Rahal's clinic and an online picture based assessment with H&W's clinic and both quoted me less than 2000 grafts. Both told me that they wouldn't be significantly lowering my hairline by a norwood or 2 since I'm at NW2 and it corresponds to a mature hairline already.

Rahal's rep told me that I could go lower but it wouldn't be aesthetically pleasing since I'm not 16 anymore (I'm 32) and that a juvenile hairline of NW0/1 wouldn't look right on me as it would make me look slightly feminine etc.

H&W's rep straight up told me that they wouldn't do NW1 at all because it would look unnatural and abnormal.

Me personally I think that this is a subjective matter. I am east Asian and adopt a slightly east Asian aesthetic in the way I style my hair and chose my clothes to begin with (think K-pop) and I also have been told that I have a baby face, which means that a more juvenile hairline would suite me more?

Am I really crazy for wanting a NW0/1 hairline at the age of 32

I included a picture of where the Rahal rep drew the hairline. I am looking for perhaps 0.25-0.5 inch lower than his line.


this is my hairline at 16 for reference.


These guys all look like they are below NW2. Is it really not a good look to look like these guys at an older age? or Are the clinics taking other things into consideration such as trying preserving my donor supply for potential future crown loss or perhaps it is more difficult to create a natural hairline in the NW0/1 area as few patients have done it?


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It’s totally understandable why you’d want a NW1 given your current state. But I also don’t think it’s fair to compare yourself to male models who have no Androgenetic Alopecia at all. You answered your own question already though. The best ethical doctors are conservative with hairlines because Androgenetic Alopecia is progressive and difficult to predict. Donor is limited and must be managed. Surgery has risks. Results are not guaranteed and many patients will often require multiple surgeries to achieve their desired look/density.

Asians that have Androgenetic Alopecia seem to start balding later in life compared to Caucasians so I think you might be taking a bit of a risk going for an NW1 even though you are already 32. What’s your family history look like? Are you taking Finasteride?

I do however believe that some Asian faces require a different approach to hairlines. I’ve noticed the Korean clinics tend to give better looking hairlines for East Asian faces. Perhaps try getting a consultation with an Asian clinic? The only other doctor in North America I’ve seen that seems willing to do more youthful Asian hairlines is Dr Diep. For what it’s worth I too am Asian with a baby face so I get where you are coming from.


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It’s totally understandable why you’d want a NW1 given your current state. But I also don’t think it’s fair to compare yourself to male models who have no Androgenetic Alopecia at all. You answered your own question already though. The best ethical doctors are conservative with hairlines because Androgenetic Alopecia is progressive and difficult to predict. Donor is limited and must be managed. Surgery has risks. Results are not guaranteed and many patients will often require multiple surgeries to achieve their desired look/density.

Asians that have Androgenetic Alopecia seem to start balding later in life compared to Caucasians so I think you might be taking a bit of a risk going for an NW1 even though you are already 32. What’s your family history look like? Are you taking Finasteride?

I do however believe that some Asian faces require a different approach to hairlines. I’ve noticed the Korean clinics tend to give better looking hairlines for East Asian faces. Perhaps try getting a consultation with an Asian clinic? The only other doctor in North America I’ve seen that seems willing to do more youthful Asian hairlines is Dr Diep. For what it’s worth I too am Asian with a baby face so I get where you are coming from.
thanks for the reply. I will be on finasteride within the month. I already got the prescription, just want to get a bloodwork done before I swallow the first pill.

As for family history I think it is quite good. There is no crown balding in any of my family members that I know of and my father and uncle are NW3-4 at age 65+. What they have behind their hairline is relatively thick for their age as well and they can style it decently. The men on my mom's side are even better I think. One of my uncles from mom's side is 65+ but is NW1/2 with almost full thickness.

Could you post/pm some pictures or links of Korean clinic results? If they truly do better hairlines for Asians I may consider flying out to Korea for this.

Mr. Slap Head

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Dude wtf. Stop comparing yourself to teenage years and models. You can probably lower and thicken that sh*t with treatments if you want. Bro your hair looks good, like Keanu Reeves.


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Dude wtf. Stop comparing yourself to teenage years and models. You can probably lower and thicken that sh*t with treatments if you want. Bro your hair looks good, like Keanu Reeves.
High forehead and slightly receding hairline. I can actually see his side of wanting it. @Briandesigns how much will it change your life? Can you show a photo of your hairline exposed and pushed back. We have a similar pattern.


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High forehead and slightly receding hairline. I can actually see his side of wanting it. @Briandesigns how much will it change your life? Can you show a photo of your hairline exposed and pushed back. We have a similar pattern.
I think the most important part for me is that the hairline does not recede any further. If that is the case I can style my hair quite well with slight forward combovers to hide the temples and it makes me look like a NW1 already. With Rahal's line my temples will be much stronger and I can style my hair without any combovers at all. The debate is really should I push for a NW1 hairline when 2 world renowned doctors have told me that it wouldn't look good. I'm not sure if really is because even with a hypothetically perfectly executed NW1 transplant, I would look unnatural as they claim or is it that the top doctors in the world are unable to achieve a perfectly executed NW1 transplant, thus even if I would have looked good with a NW1 it still wouldn't because of a bad transplant.

Heres my current hair styled


heres my current hair pushed back


pushed back from the top


from the side

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Mr. Slap Head

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Bro you have miniaturized hair which means the follicles are still alive, and with treatment you can thicken those up


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I think the most important part for me is that the hairline does not recede any further. If that is the case I can style my hair quite well with slight forward combovers to hide the temples and it makes me look like a NW1 already. With Rahal's line my temples will be much stronger and I can style my hair without any combovers at all. The debate is really should I push for a NW1 hairline when 2 world renowned doctors have told me that it wouldn't look good. I'm not sure if really is because even with a hypothetically perfectly executed NW1 transplant, I would look unnatural as they claim or is it that the top doctors in the world are unable to achieve a perfectly executed NW1 transplant, thus even if I would have looked good with a NW1 it still wouldn't because of a bad transplant.

Heres my current hair styled

View attachment 177414

heres my current hair pushed back

View attachment 177415

pushed back from the top

View attachment 177416

from the side

View attachment 177417
I take it back. You don't really have a high forehead. I would not do anything other than finasteride and minoxidil for now. You have barely any loss. You can style it perfect still. I would wait to see if you stay stable. I can see why those doctors said what they said. If you got shock loss and it looked worse you would be very upset.