Has topical coconut oil worked for anybody?


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Yellow curcumin does stain like ****, but white curcumin does not.

I've been using for almost two months, once a day. Currently.

Apart from no dandruff and no itchy scalp, nothing more.

would you say that it helps more with inflammation ?
(adding curcumin i mean)

what is white curcumin ?
i actually only know the spice - turmeric, and i know they make something for male pattern baldness based on curcumin (i think it supposed to treat the inflammatory causing stuff) called - cb, or oc, dont really remember.
anyway - whats white curcumin ?

thanks for replying mate, i appriciate that.
check out more of my threads -

also -
how do you make your oil man ?
i have just bought 3 coconuts, and used one to try one method for making oil.
i took out all the meat, added to the blender, blended untill it was very very well blended (added a little bit of water as well),
moved it to a cloth bag, squeezed very very hard, and right now its in jars refregirated.
as far as i understand - tomorrow i should scoop out the top layer, which i dont need, and than all thats left is pure virgin coconut oil, right ?

Princess Harris

New Member
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I thought this will work as well. I read that the components of coconut oil (especially that of the extra virgin) is one of he best natural remedy. I used it before and I really love how it smelled. Some says, I smelled like a big rice cake, but who cares. I will definitely use this again along with an aloe vera.