Has This Ever Happen To Anyone Post Op?


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I got a hair transplant 2 months ago in the frontal area. since then, I received a tremendous amount of shock loss on the side my head and scalp. I look worse than before. Ever since then, my hair texture goes through these weird stages. For example one week my natural hair feels and looks healthy. it has its natural oils and feels strong. Then another week my hair turns incredibly dry and feels like straw and some of my hair falls off. it constantly cycles through these phases. Its very frustrating. Has this ever happen to anyone? i should of just went with the hair system. Im 22 by the way. can somebody please help me out?

i also been using propecia .25 for 2 months


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I went through a terrible shock loss a month after my procedure. It's nothing to be concerned with, it's part of the procedure and known as the ugly duckling phase. It's the result from the trauma, anesthesia and sometimes transectioning from the surgery and will usually resolve on it's own in a few months. As far as the your hair drying out it cycles, that could be related to hydration, weather, and washing habits.

Thanks for your answer! That is what i was thinking; however i feel like my washing habits are great and i keep myself pretty hydrated. I drink a gallon of water everyday. I think the hair texture is caused by something else and I cant figure it out. i do have Alopecia Areata in my blood. I found a bald spot in my beard recently where no hair grows. maybe thats causing the hair to look like that. i don't know at this point. If things dont get better, i might just opt for a hair system and call the transplant a failure unfortunately.


My Regimen
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It's nothing to be concerned with,

well, I believe the contrary, because this is how I literally lost 50% of my hair permanently. I hope to God the OP is maintaining on antiandrogens. WHY would TELOGEN EFFLUVIUM (not f*****g "shock loss") NOT be a worry for a man that has male pattern baldness? That is, a man that CANNOT REGROW HAIR?


My Regimen
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Considering that he had a hair transplant I would assume his shock loss aka "Telogen Effluvium" is from the surgery. With that in mind, he just started Finasteride as well, not sure if .25mg is strong enough to cause a Telogen Effluvium. All he can do now is wait and see, if it doesn't start to look better in 4 months then he should worry.

I get that, and I am NOT trying to scare anyone... but hair transplant surgeons should NOT be performing frontal hair transplant's on people WITHOUT reassurance that the hair lost from the Telogen Effluvium from the surgery will grow back. He has no idea if finasteride works for him or not. I am sorry OP, I am just being realistic.