has anyone used minoxidil with out flaking??


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just wondering..has anyone used minoxidil with out flaking?? i've been using minoxidil 5ml once every day for past three weeks and its been flaking a lot..i've been regularly using nizoral and other anti dandruff shampoos but it doesnt seem to take care it..is this just minoxidil drying out ?? if so is it harmless?


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How many ml of minoxidil do you use per application and over how much of your scalp is this spread?


morphuesX said:
just wondering..has anyone used minoxidil with out flaking?? i've been using minoxidil 5ml once every day for past three weeks and its been flaking a lot..i've been regularly using nizoral and other anti dandruff shampoos but it doesnt seem to take care it..is this just minoxidil drying out ?? if so is it harmless?

Two substances I would recommend.

Folligen for shedding and flaking control.

Use TSAL shampoo BEFORE you use Nizoral. TSAL is an exfolliant, will help slough off dead skin and help the nizoral be absorbed.

Good luck


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iam using 1 ml once every night on the hairline and little bit in the front..is the quantity of ur application has got to do anything with the flaking??

thanx for your advice bruce....i cant get folligen here..ill definitely start using nizoral again

i have also ordered Dr.lee's minoxidil..but it would turn out to be very expensive for me to keep it going for a long term...so iam looking in to a way for using locally available minoxidil with our minimum flaking


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This is something interesting that I found by serendipity. Thicker fuller hair shampoo and conditioner. I use both in the morning and evening before each application of minoxidil. Amazingly anti-inflammatory for my scalp. I was able to drop head and shoulders and tgel, both of which I ended up experiencing scalp irritation. Nizoral 1% and 2% were too much for my scalp. Dried the crap out of it. But many do great on nizoral.

Follow Bruce's advice. And if it doesn't work out with the nizoral, tsal, and folligen, then who knows, maybe give "Thicker Fuller" a try.

The Fluke

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yep no problems with flaking whatsoever.

i use tgel every three days, the other days i just use conditioner to wash out the stinky sprio and minoxidil that went in the night before.


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morphuesX said:
iam using 1 ml once every night on the hairline and little bit in the front..is the quantity of ur application has got to do anything with the flaking??

Sometimes I get a bit obsessed with making sure I've got enough minoxidil on the front and end up putting extra on, and when I wake up the next morning I'll have a white flaky layer of unabsorbed minoxidil in these areas.

I think that most people here will use 1ml but apply it to the front and crown areas of their scalp, I don't use much more than 1 ml over my whole scalp.


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I had some really weird flaking in the beginning too when I started minoxidil. I dont even know how to describe it, but it went away after a month or so. I still get a little bit of white flakes if I run my hands through my hair, but thats because I use 2ML per application believe.


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I would try Nizoral, or Folligen.

Also Try TGEL & TSAL.

I eliminated TGEL as something that wasn't helping.

The Gardener

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I got serious flaking a few times when I first started minoxidil... but quickly realized a correlation between the few times I had flaking and the few times I got a little overambtious in my early days and applied more than 1ml of minoxidil! Using more than the standard dose caused flaking for me, especially if I did two doses with no shower in between. (Hey, no I am NOT unsanitary, I just like to wake up on Sunday sometimes and watch football until noon without showering... that means my am minoxidil went on without a shower, and I flaked that night.)

Nizoral helped me, but it does not help everyone. My flaking actually stopped, but once in a blue moon I still do notice a stray chunk of dead scalp stuck in my hair when combing my hair in the mornings. I just flick it away, and that's it. It comes with the territory.


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I hate flaking the first 2-3 weeks of using minoxidil (actually Xandrox). I was using Nizoral (2%) the first couple weeks, and then added TGEL. After a few weeks, everything was back to normal. No flaking, no itching.

Right now I rotate Nizoral, TGEL and my regular shampoo each day.


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ok..ive been using dr lee's minoxidil for over a week now..its definitely less greasy and lot less flakiness..the amazing thing is how fast it dries!!..but i guess the key to minoxidil and flakiness has definitely got to do with the amount u apply in one area...the day i apply a lot more than required in one area..i get those little flaky things the next morning

The Gardener

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There you go, bud.

I had flakiness too for about a month or so, and it went away. I'm not sure if it just took a month or so for the chemical in the Nizoral to kick in, or if it just took a month for my scalp to get used to the minoxidil.

Nevertheless, a hairloss treatment regime is all about what works for YOU. Although we all have the same basic knowledge of what science says works, we all have different ways of approaching our problem and which treatments we choose for ourselves based on what works for us.

There are lots of options. The important thing is that you find a regimen that works for you, for your lifestyle, and for your wallet.

Good luck... hope things work for you as well as they are working for me. Keep us posted!