Has Anyone Tried Minoxidil To Thicken Transplanted Hairs?

Walt White

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As far as I know, minoxidil can be used to thicken beards, which I take to mean that it can cause growth of new follicles. So I'm curious. Hair transplants cannot restore previous density. But, if we use minoxidil, can density be somewhat increased? I guess what my question boils down to is this: when minoxidil is used for transplanted hairs, will the new follicles gained be DHT-sensitive like the original recipient area or DHT-resistant like the ones taken from the donor area? Does anyone know the answer to this?

Walt White

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Hi Walt,

I had my procedure with Dr. Umar last January, 2016 for 6500 grafts. It was a combination of beard, body, and whatever head donor i had from past failed procedures. I have been using minoxidil foam ever since them, and yes, I have noticed that my transplanted hair is looking more dense and full. I am sure it facilitates further growth and thickening. As you mentioned, part of my pre-op instructions was to apply it on my beard hair for density and fullness in that region. I've noticed the same in my recipient area through continued usage.

Hope this helps :)


It does help. Thank you for the reply. :)