Has anyone tried Diatomaceous Earth for regrowth?


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I've read a couple of articles that it can help with woman's hair regrowth. Have any men tried it?
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My experience was interesting. I was taking 1tbsp daily. also - I'm wearing a hairsystem, so I can only experiment with such things 1 or 2 days a week.

So what I did was: I mixed DE with a bit of water and applied that to my affected areas. I applied the mixture with circular motions and waited until the mixture dried out(a few minutes) and I was only left with fine powder on my scalp. When it dried like this, I applied more,... after 3rd application, I then left the powder on for a few more minutes. One day I also applied coconut oil on it, after it dried and massaged a bit.

I did this for 3 weeks - only 1 day per week, only 1 time per day

Maybe the result is not something that's considered positive (I haven't been following the hairloss scene for a few years), but in the middle of 1 temple, which has been without any hair for at least 6 years, 2 thick hairs popped out. Is this something that often happens when somebody tries a new thing and later no further improvement is visible?

I was applying it because of the minerals, but since I recently stumbled upon the information about parasites in follicles, it totally makes sense now, since DE is supposed to kill them.

Anyway, I stopped, because I was afraid that DE might damage the follicles because of it's sharp structure. and the 2 new thick hairs are gone after a month or so.

I would be interested in hearing your thoughts on that, or even better -experiences. Has anybody tried this before?