has anyone here specifically had TEMPLE work done?


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Hi,my name is John,im 25 and from London,England,

i have heavily receeded front hairline,non existant temples and a medium size bald patch,

i want a hair transplant soon,i want all the above restored but specifically my temples, has anyone got any examples they could show me of temple work youve had done and any reccomendations from anywhere in the world,im preperred to travel the globe,

Thanks John.


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hair transplant on temple

just had an hair transplant about a month ago here in jakarta, indonesia. 2500 grafts were inserted on the crown and temple area. yes its possible to patch the temple area... i had around 800 grafts for left & right temples... however, the rejection rate seems greater on these area. it's been a month and both my temples ae still irritated.. i mean pimple-like rash about 1 sq inch in size... i manage to squeeze the puss out of the right temple, but the left is still there...

by the way, i'm 36 and the heavy shedding jst happened in the past 7-8 months... before that, it was just a usual normal sheds.... i was a nw4a with scattered thinning starting from both temples going to the mid front area.

i have pics but no idea how to load it up....