Has anyone ever spilt their minoxidil 5%?



I did today.

I was applying it in my bathroom adding the last squirt to my vertex when I dropped the whole bottle of minoxidil on the floor.

I looked down in horror as the solution poured all over the floor, immediately thinking of the money I have wasted.

Before I could react.

I panicked.

I furiously started banging my head on the floor in the hope that I would absorb the spilt minoxidil onto my head and hoping I would save a few drops.

My parents where downstairs and wondered what all the noise was coming from the bathroom, so they shouted up "What's that?!"

I replied in a half hearted voice. "Nothing"

That's when I slowly got up from my hands and knees, with minoxidil dripping from my ears, nose and chin, crying my eyes out at the error I had just committed.

I then sat down on the bathroom floor, put my hands to my minoxidil soaked face, gazed in the mirror and muttered in a slow beaten depressed voice "this isn’t my life is it"

There I was on a Friday night, sitting down in the bathroom, face covered in regaine extra strength 5%, while others are out partying and having a good time

I was at rock bottom.

That's when I got back up and started to enthusiastically line up my daily shedded hairs on my bathroom wall one by one. As I placed each hair on the wall, a new tear fell from my minoxidil covered face. In a sombre voice I muttered "The shafts seem pigmented at the bottom, but thicker at the top".

I sat back down.

Things couldn't have gotten any worse.

They did.

As I left the bathroom I dropped my unzipped hairloss bag down the stairs by mistake.

I dived desperately in the attempt to retrieve the dropped item.

I was too late

My blonde travel size toppik landed right in front of my dads feet.

Their I was lying on the floor, tears rolling down my face - head, nose and ears soaked in minoxidil extra strength 5% clutching my toppik like a baby in front on my dads feet.

The look on his face was, he looked ashamed.

I gazed up at him, like a broken man.

And said "What times dinner"

I got up and walked up stairs again and went to lie down with the expectance that a flying elephant would fly pass my window and sh!t in my face.

This is what hairloss has done to me.


Senior Member
Reaction score
I coulda sworn this is a rerun.

And for what it's worth, I think your hair is looking better.


Established Member
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HAHAHA nice.. i hope that never happens to me.. man that would be a night mare.. i think i would over react though.. if i dropped a bottle of rogain and spilled it, i would then be very concerned about the health of my family and neighbors.. cuz i dont know what i would end up doing to them..



Axon said:
I coulda sworn this is a rerun.

And for what it's worth, I think your hair is looking better.

This is a rerun. I remember it a while back, maybe.


Established Member
Reaction score
In all honesty Gunnerm, from your most recen picts you are not that bad at all, I can unquestionably see a diffenece from when you started until the most recent picts.

David Swissy

Reaction score

I dont understand... what were you doing with the top off your Regaine?? Im always dropping mine but it cant spill out because of the screw top! Are you making this story up??? Theres no reason to remove the top because that is what the pump is for, to distribute the lotion.