Harder for bald men in job interviews?


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I have recently finished my time at university and I am soon going to be having job interviews. However, today I buzzed my hair to a grade 0 (no hair clipper attached) and my parents say it will be impossible for me to get a decent job. They say I'll have huge problems without having any hair i.e. looking like a thug, or just looking stupid. Should I grow some of it back (I am a norwood 3)?

Is it true that bald men struggle to get decent jobs because job interviewers look down on them? Or are my parents just old-fashioned?


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It probably does hold some weight, so you'll have to make it up by being a better candidate. Try to let it drive you, instead of hold you back.


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IMO the answer is yes and no....

A bald guy doesn't necessarily have lower chances, but a guy with shaved head would definitely not be viewed as a serious candidate. It's just a personal opinion.

For once I agree with dudemon, neat is the way to go!!!

but What about Today

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Its obvious guys with long hair have it worse, they can discriminate against you and say they have a grooming policy which is stupid. Even if your the best for the job.


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It depends what the position is.
A guy at our place has severe diffuse thinning but has been told he cant buzz it because he has to meet clients, so he keeps it about a grade 3.
The truth is the older generation views buzzed heads as threatening like the 70's skinheads.
Similarly a guy with long hair was told that he had to cut it above shoulder length.
Its not really prejudice both these guys have to dress smart aswell, its just a job requirement to look a certain way.
But for a manual labour or unskilled job it should'nt matter.

Nashville Hairline

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s.a.f said:
It depends what the position is.
A guy at our place has severe diffuse thinning but has been told he cant buzz it because he has to meet clients, so he keeps it about a grade 3.
The truth is the older generation views buzzed heads as threatening like the 70's skinheads.
Similarly a guy with long hair was told that he had to cut it above shoulder length.
Its not really prejudice both these guys have to dress smart aswell, its just a job requirement to look a certain way.
But for a manual labour or unskilled job it should'nt matter.
I agree with this..a balding friend of mine shaved his to a 1 or 2 and was told by his employer not to do it again cos it wasn't a good look when meeting business clients. While I think a lot of interviewers won't necessarily equate a super short cut with being a thug I'd say better to err on the side of caution and go with "neat and tidy".


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So I guess i am out of luck there huh? I shave down to a zero because I don't have ANY hair on top. So what am I supposed to do? If I grow out the sides I look pretty horrendous. If I shave it to zero, I look bad too.


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That is such BS. I work for a pretty big company (doing well-known work). There are plenty of guys around here who have their head shaved all the way down. We are talking guys low on the pole all the way to higher ups.

uncomfortable man

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Brick said:
That is such BS. I work for a pretty big company (doing well-known work). There are plenty of guys around here who have their head shaved all the way down. We are talking guys low on the pole all the way to higher ups.
Good, I hope so. If even Dudemon can admit that nw6's who shave should have no reason to worry, then I think it is safe to say that it shouldn't be a problem. A company should know better than to make any policy that would exclude certain demographics because that would be descrimination and grounds for a lawsuit imo. That is not to say that it doesn't happen though because there will always be employers (bosses) that lack professional objectivity and will let their prejudice against bald people sway their decision not to hire them.


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But what if the interviewer is bald? It could work the other way round in your favour going by that logic.


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Brick said:
That is such BS. I work for a pretty big company (doing well-known work). There are plenty of guys around here who have their head shaved all the way down. We are talking guys low on the pole all the way to higher ups.

I think it depends on the department and the location. Let's say you are working for a big bank, they wouldn't care how the IT guys are dressed, but in the departments where they meet clients on daily basis, presentation is everything.

Also, some cultures are more accepting of the shaved look than others. An international company may have different dress code in different countries, tailored to meet the expectations of the given location.

When I was a teenager, I also used to view shaved heads as skinheads/thugs. I have a different view now, even the girls I dated tell me I could try the shaved look, so it's not an issue anymore. My point is, the skinhead image still exists in the society and most of the serious companies wouldn't like to associate themselves with that image.


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Brick said:
That is such BS. I work for a pretty big company (doing well-known work). There are plenty of guys around here who have their head shaved all the way down. We are talking guys low on the pole all the way to higher ups.

So I guess your company is how it is everywhere? Of course not. Point is, attractive people do better. You can't deny that. I have seen girls who look hot who don't have a clue get good jobs. It's all about impression.


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ali777 said:
So I guess your company is how it is everywhere? Of course not. Point is, attractive people do better. You can't deny that. I have seen girls who look hot who don't have a clue get good jobs. It's all about impression.

If you're applying for Abercrombie, maybe. In the REAL WORLD, people age. Come on, open your eyes. Not everyone is focused on balding being a life-burden, especially those who are not suffering from it. The place I work IS the norm. People of all age ranges, guys with all types of balding. Ugly women, ugly men, attractive women, attractive men. God, I see successful guys all over the place with all sorts of balding. Are you guys seriously saying that only guys with full heads of hair get jobs?

Show me a company who has a bunch of guys employed, all with full heads of hair and I will back down.


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askas said:
dudemon said:
follicle84 said:
But what if the interviewer is bald? It could work the other way round in your favour going by that logic.

I'm 40 years old and have worked for a lot of small businesses and companies. Come to think of it, I have NEVER been interviewed by a bald guy.

But, I suppose it does happen. :dunno:

I was.

i was too.


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Being bald or have your head shaved to the wire will not decrease your chance of getting a job. Wearing jeans and t-shirt to a job interview and not shaving will.

Majority of big companies have bald guys as their senior execs. So don't worry about it.


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I was just interviewed by a balding guy yesterday. I walked into his office and was immediately relaxed. The interview went great.