Hairpiece, Here I Come.


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Well, I have finally decided to get a hair piece. Just to give you an idea of the amount of hairpiece I need, do the following: place the palm of your closed hand on top of your head, with the heal of your hand at the front of where your hair line should be, you would have a good idea of the amount of area my hairpiece should cover. I read on this site if you were to place 3 fingers, horizontal up from your eyebrows this where your front hair line should be.

I am not completely bald. My hair is thin in this area. The hair I have in other areas on my head is just great. So I am thinking a hairpiece would be the ticket. And fortunately for me, I would just like to say, I was not one of those who started thinning by the age of 18 or so. And by the age of 25 or 30 had lost all or almost all of their hair. That must be an incredibly difficult thing to accept and to go through at that stage in life.

The only remedy I have tried for my the top of my head is a product called Jerome Russell Spray On Hair. This product really works. Only trouble is it is a mess if it gets wet or your head touches anything. Other than this it is great. Just thought I would share for anyone who might be considering something like this. It is ideal for those who have thin hair, as I do, on top. Comes in several colors. The dark brown is very dark.

I will continue to read what is here. Any suggestions as to what I should look out for so as not to be ripped off or frustrated will be greatly appreciated.

Failing Follicles

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"Don't do it"? Well, wigs work for some. But then so do concealers. If you're thin on top try Toppik or nanogen - neither is messy and both are pretty convincing. Hairpieces should be treated with the utmost caution as, whilst they do work for some, they can be an absolute fukin' nightmare. Unless you get the blend, color, density & hairline ABSOLUTELY 100% perfect and unless you are someone who really doesn't care what other people think (ie if they know you have a wig) then forget the hairpiece. My advice: try all the concealers as there is a big variety in what's on offer. Go with the wig when the concealers are no longer an option if you really must have hair, but remember there's always the clippers / razor if you're that way inclined. Believe me life is just soooooooooooooooooooooooo much simpler like this. Yeah I'm bald, fuk it, I've got a life to live... & I won't be a slave to my hair... Good luck dude from someone who's tried everything. :punk:


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You have to match hair color and direction. Density can be a bit low and still OK. Hair diameter is important but not critical. Especially for skin pieces, the base color must match your scalp color or it is a dead give away.

You can die or bleach your hair to match, but it will fade fast. Better to get it right out of the box. Not easy. With trial and error you can get a good color and base color match. Hair direction you might have to settle for close. Oh, and the curl has to be the same too. Very important. Easy to get, but they sometimes mess it up. Coolpiece messed me up big time on every aspect. Not buying from them again.

My advice: order the cheapest one possible, and keep buying more till you get everything right. Then send it to a quality place to dublicate. If they get it right, order a lot. After you burn through about 1000 dollars, you can just make them last.

Oh, and get some with poly and some with swiss, just depending on the ocation. You can switch out here and there for swimming, or her putting her hands in your hair, whatever.

I don't have an extra $1000 laying around, and can't be bothered with my half *** piece for now, so I'll just sport my messed up grafts. Women talk to me some. Just no sex.