HairlossTalk's Story


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I once said that I believe I have experienced regrowth. But I think it thickening of my hair moreso than the regrowth of new hairs. I can still part my widows peak and see major scalp. But the difference between now and last December is that the hairs are much thicker on my head... everywhere on my scalp.

So I am thinking that propecia has made my already-existing hairs immune to DHT, which allowed them to thicken. And maybe the minoxidil helped, too. But neither seemed to have grown new hairs.

I have decided to use minoxidil 5% just once daily, at night, and see how that works for me. I'm hoping that whatever I do, I can stretch out the treatments to the date when they have a damn cure! (Amen to that, right?)

But you are right- I don't know FOR SURE that the minoxidil hasn't helped in thickening my hair, or maybe just growing some.

JJ Gittes

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Propecia AND Revivogen

Does anybody have an opinion whether using both Propecia AND Revivogen would be redundant? I think my success with Propecia is fading and I need a kickstart to the regimen. :x


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Re: Propecia AND Revivogen

JJ Gittes said:
Does anybody have an opinion whether using both Propecia AND Revivogen would be redundant? I think my success with Propecia is fading and I need a kickstart to the regimen. :x
Absolutely not redundant. You're inhibiting it systemically with Propecia. To do it locally, and topically, would be a phenomenal addition. If money and time are not an object, you could also add topical spironolactone. Keep in mind whatever you add you need to stick with indefinitely, so less is more in that sense.

Good Luck


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Re: Propecia AND Revivogen


I just read your story... and it sounds like mine. I also had extremely thick hair about 5 years ago when I was about 20 yrs old. I started taking finasteride 1 mg, and hair loss stopped after about 4-6 months time. Then, after some 2.5 yrs on finasteride, I started to feel pain from time to time around my prostate... went to several doctors but they couldn´t tell. Then, after another 6 months I couldn´t stand it any more and quit finasteride, without supplementing it. That was the biggest mistake I ever made in my life. After about half a year off finasteride shedding was so bad I decided to give finasteride another try. Now, about one year later, shedding is still bad and I fear it won´t work any more... but at least there is a chance and the pain hasn´t come back since then.

What kind of reaction did your body show after 2.5 yrs on propecia? I never was quite sure whether my reaction was kind of a psycological one... because I always thought: "if proscar makes the prostate shrink when it is too large, what does it do to mine, which is normal in size?"

BTW Thanks for creating and maintaining this website. It is really a great help to many people! :)


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Most of my problems were eczema related. It really dried out my skin. Developed a condition on my face, side of the nose, T section, where it would flake like crazy. Would have irritation and a little inflammation there not too dissimilar to what you get on your scalp if you don't use Nizoral. Eyebrow hairs would fall out when I would scratch. I've noticed a lot of people with oily skin report normalization and decrease in oiliness. People with perfect skin report bone-dryness (that was me).

Aside from this, estrogen levels spiked, had several female related problems like yeast infections, prostate stabbing pain, testicle ache that turned into some pretty severe epidydimitis for nearly 2 months, loss of sensitivity in the uh ... groin area ... my lip swelled up at one point. Rashes, hives in the groin area. Not sexually related at all. Terrible migraines behind my right eye. Rosacea developed on my face.

Several of these things are directly related to high estrogen in women. 100% of them stopped within 1 week of stopping Propecia, after nearly 3 months of ongoing discomfort.

Naturally, doctors don't have a clue what im talking about and I wont waste any further time trying to explain it to them. They're ... um ... ok ill say it. Idiots.


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this has well sketched me out!!!! is this 2 1/2 year thing common? are there significant numbers of people who have taken propecia longer than 2-3 years to suggest its not a serious problem?


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HairlossTalk said:
Went through several very bad sheds up front, but rode them out because I knew the science behind Propecia was real.

Can you elaborate a bit about what you meant by bad sheds up front. My hairline just got ridiculously thin in a matter of a couple weeks. I'm about 7 months on finasteride and im hoping its just a shed. But im very skeptical. How did your hair line look after the sheds and how long did it take to return to normal?


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dear admin, (LOL) (no, seriously this is a great website)
can you post your pictures again...? it looks like that something happened to them. thanks.


mpower said:
dear admin, (LOL) (no, seriously
??? :dunno:

can you post your pictures again...? it looks like that something happened to them. thanks.
There isn't much to show, as I still have a full head of hair, somehow. I still ponder the completely unscientific theory that there is a "DHT Storm" that happens the first few years of true hair loss. The theory being that you can ride out the storm with Propecia, and come out the other end of it, and not even need Propecia anymore. As if the onslaught of DHT can somehow be limited, or reduced, or eliminated with finasteride treatment. Naturally this makes very little scientific sense, but I am not sure why I went on Propecia for 3+ years and then stopped, .... yet my hair loss never continued after stopping propecia.

Admittedly I've been using Topical spironolactone religiously, with periodic Revivogen for the entire 5 years since, so maybe its as simple as that. Every male in my family on both sides by my age had lost a solid 3-4 inches off their hairline by my age (34), and I haven't. Ive also religiously used Nizoral anytime any itch begins to creep up, and I am 1,000% confident that has played a role in stopping further loss. I started right away. Got on treatments within a couple months. So my hair never had a chance to degrade, and Ive been on a maintenance regimen since.

HairlossTalk / Admin


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I just didn't want it to sound so formal however wanted to show my respect...
anyway thank you very much for sharing this.


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I'd be curious if Bryan has any thoughts or opinions on the 2.5 year estrogen spike scenario. I'm approaching the 2.5 year mark and it's a bit worrisome.

However, I've seen plenty of posts from 10+ year and still going good guys. I also did not have any itching/flaking scalp like admin did, so maybe I'm good to go (fingers crossed).

On an unrelated note, I work as an online development/project manager and I'm just curious if this site makes enough ad revenue to support admin completely. With the amount of traffic it gets, I'm betting yes! :punk: