resutls, regimen.. once again


Established Member
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Gonna take another crack man! Can you give us an update on how things are lately for you..

Last I've heard you dropped propecia.. then went on spironolactone/revivo for a few months then dropped that.. how're things holding up lately?


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Fortunately my thinning seems to be very slow, but sure. I went back on Revivogen and spironolactone for awhile, and as I tend to do ... I get carried away and gooped on both of them quite a bit in the front inch or two of hairline.

After applying excessive amounts of spironolactone and Revivogen for a couple weeks, I developed a seriously bad case of Epididymitis (severe enflamed testicle ache in the same testicle that I had the same problems with on Propecia). Orally ingested spironolactone is well known to be a cause of Epidydimitis, but I was applying topically ... and people say it doesnt get absorbed, but ... who knows. All tests were negative for bacteria or viral causes, and I spent about 30 days literally feeling like I had been kicked in the groin, for no apparent reason. Could barely walk, and driving was just plain painful (motion of car, vibration, movement, agitation, etc)

I immediately opted to stop the two treatments.

After 30 days, antibiotics "Just to be sure" says the Doctor ... and anti inflammatories, it finally went away. After it has been gone for a few weeks I plan to start the two treatments again, and I plan to goop them on, just to see if it comes back. If it does, then I will have an association. If not, no harm done.

Status of hair? Well ... my problem area is the first half inch of hairline all across the front, especially at the temples, but I wear my hair messy and brushed forward and kinda upp-ish messy-ish in the front ... so its completely disguised. If you pull it back though, you can definitely see the sparseness where there used to be a thick wall of hair on my hairline.

Not sure why it thinned so drastically all over my head prior to Propecia and now its really holding steady, but ... I guess Ill just count my blessings.

I need to get my *** in gear though, because if I don't start something consistently across the front immediately, in a year im going to be really regretting it. I know my lack of action today will mean lack of hair in 12 months, even if all seems somewhat stagnant at the moment.

Ill take some pix of the front and post them here soon.



Just a thought. We are not far from Dr. Lee. Perhaps you could go see him and simply follow a routine that he suggests (sans propecia of course!).

Given you are off the propecia, this route seems logical, no?

Good luck buddy! :lol:


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0, have u considered useing the laser comb? whats ur opinon onthe laser comb, are you waiting for info on there trail results before making a descion?