Hairline still moving back


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At this point I'm gonna have to say that the very front of my hairline is moving backwards. In the past 6 months, it's moved about 5mm back. Nothing huge, but there's a scar on my forehead that was right at my hairline before, I remember because when I cut it, it cut out a bunch of the hairs there. Now I can plainly see the scar from it, and there's no hair around it, the hairline's right above it. Sucks, but my main concern is my temples. Hopefully they're moving forward. My hairline is looking more solid in general as far as "straightness" goes, but that could just be because the front is moving back, but who really knows.


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So, get on minoxidil 5% or Xandrox 15%, Propecia and Nizoral 2%. You could add Tricomin or Folligen lotion to push yourself into the "Big Four" treatment program.


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deaner, when was the time frame that your hair really thickened up to where you were less self conscious about it? i'm just about to hit month 5, and ... i'm seeing some overall thickening, but the hairline is not the thickness i want it at. seems like we are following similar patterns, so i'm curious.


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If you're talking my overall density thickening up, and my temples starting to improve, probably about month 6 or 7, it's been fairly recent that my hair's thickened up considerably. I worry far less these days, and am confident that when I finally get this mop trimmed down to an inch long or so, it'll look fantastically thick.


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that's great news for me! the past week i have shed like 0 hairs, even in the shower messing with my hair for twenty seconds i only got 1, so i'm thinking propecia is really starting to kick in. but, alas, my hairline seems to be a tiny bit thinner than when i started and the rest of my hair seems thicker. i really need this hairline to thicken up, then i will be at 100 percent confidence, but right now kinda down in the dumps about the whole thing. but.. 6 pills from five months, i hope i follow in your footsteps.