Hairline Receding More After Starting Keto Diet


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Anyone heard of this?
38 y.o.
My hairline has been receding gradually for a few years. Recently started a keto diet. I noticed my hairline seems to be receding aggressively now. The only significant changes in my diet since starting keto are:
  • far more protein
  • far less carbs
  • far more fat consumption, mostly "good" fats
  • substantially less calories, though I wouldn't go so far as to say "far less"
  • quite a bit of fast weight loss and body fat loss, including around 8 lbs overall weight in the last 2-3 weeks.
does it make sense that any of these would affect a receding hairline?
I was a bit overweight, my BMI was probably close to the border between "overweight" and the low end of "obese". Around 190-195 lbs, 6'0" in February (currently 174 lbs). Since Feb I have doing intermittent fasting, no red meat and generally low carb (not as strict as keto). Just started the keto about 2 weeks ago and that's when I noticed the hairline more aggressively receding. That's what is peculiar to me. The hairline doesn't seem to be related to eating less and losing weight, but specifically to the recent keto diet. I doubt highly it is related to a vitamin deficiency as I have maintained a very similar profile before and after keto in that regard.

thank you
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Hair loss after weight loss is usually associated with a condition called Telogen Effluvium. A telogen effluvium is when some stress causes hair roots to be pushed prematurely into the resting state. The good thing is that it's temporary. Once you stop the diet it should grow back.


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Diet may play a small role in male pattern baldness, but ultimately male pattern baldness is almost entirely genetic. I don't think it is likely that your keto diet would be responsible for your male pattern baldness accelerating. Its probably just your hair loss accelerating naturally as a result of your genetics.

As the above poster said, you may have Telogen Effluvium. Although that would be expected to cause generalised thinning over your whole scalp rather than a receding hairline.


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Sometimes what happens on a diet or when losing weight, your face starts to slim down and gives you the illusion of more hair loss. Good luck.


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I've heard of keto affecting people in different ways, but hairline issues are new to me. It could be due to the rapid weight loss and changes in nutrient intake. Sometimes, our bodies react strangely to dietary shifts.
Maybe it's a temporary phase? If it continues, maybe try alternatives, like medical weight loss in Bethlehem PA. I hope that helps!


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I think you need to review the diet and make sure you get all the needed elements. I would also like to recommend that you have a look at the stuff from for example. I am sure that you will find some interesting and working supplements and vitamins there for yourself, good luck with that!
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Diet has a great effect on hair growth and also helps against hair loss. In addition, you all write correctly, to make hair stronger one diet is not enough, you need to consult with a doctor to strengthen the body with the necessary vitamins and supplements. First of all I take natural cholesterol reduction and natural supplements for testosterone boosting with physical training, so it helps to strengthen and improve my health.