Hairline going


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My hairlone is slowly getting destroyed. can't take Propecia or minoxidil due to sides. i am using Dht shampoo, what else should i/can i do??? this sucks.

badasshairday III

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Sir Guy of Frizzbourne said:
I'd add minoxidil at least. Just my opinion.

lol, he said he can't use minoxidil because of side effects.

What side effects did you get from minoxidil? If it was irritation of the scalp, were you using the liquid version? Give the foam a try, it doesn't irritate like the liquid.


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I get water retention from the minoxidil. my face gets puffy. I am using min new york shampoo at the moment and nizoral. i just added grape seed extract and ginko biloba. so we'll see.i'm hopeful the ginko and grape seed extract can have similar effect as minoxidil....i.e. making my hair follicles bigger and my hair thicker. we'll see.


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im on minoxidil and propecia... hairline still going so ure not missing out on much :D


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dreamcatcher said:
What is your Dht shampoo you use or which is the best ?

no shampoo removes DHT better than any other. I'm sure some DHT comes up the sebum, and is washed off by any shampoo. So they are not lying that their shampoo removes DHT. They lie by implying others don't, and selling you an over priced shampoo.