haircut today....Finally!!! ......or is it just me?!


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hey guys.......just got another dreadfull haircut today. I always get the same haircut from the same person. My stylist is a very good friend of mine, and she wouldn't lie to me. She's been giving me honest opinions these last 3.5 months that i've been on my regimen. and i get a haircut about every 3 weeks.

ok so today she said she could sware that it feels a little "better" or "thicker" then the last time. And that it doesn't seem as limp. I've also been noticing that i'm not having to do a second water rinse and then blow dry to keep it thick or dry. I try to never look in the mirror anymore because i just get too worried, so i just haven't been styling it with anything for the last few months. Leaving it be..... i examined my hair very well after she told me that, and i think it has gotten a little better for sure!! temples, and vertex.....
I don't mean new growth...just a little thicker in those areas.

this is what i'm going to do.....i'm going to wait a few more days to make sure i'm not crazy or seeing things. And get my girlfriend to examine it closely for me. She does every so often upon my request ofcourse.

i'll take new pics.....(about time anyways) and let you guys know...

unfortunately all i have is a camera phone. And the first pics i took were with a camera phone, so i'm going to try to replicate the same lighting and positioning. ....