Hair transplants in UK


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mrman said:
I don't want to risk the side effects of finasteride. My Doctor strongly advised me not to the point of refusing to make the perscription. My online research is also putting me off a lot. I would rather wait til I'm a good hair transplant candidate. Minoxidil seems to be doing a good job of keeping what I've got.

You're not going to become one if you dont take finasteride.


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listen to people's advise here

dont get a hair transplant unless you are on finasteride.


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I highly doubt any good Doctor would operate on you. You are just not a candidate for it. Your hair is too thin. You will be nw6 soon and effectively wont get much coverage from an hair transplant. Keep it shaved

El Nino

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mrman said:
Has anyone in the UK gone abroad for a hair transplant and ended up happy with costs and the end results? Please tell me about it!

Hi mrman,

I'm from the UK and I went to Dr. Rahal in Canada and I'm thrilled with my result.

But, you should definitely get on Finastride and wait a few years before a hair transplant.


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finasteride is essential even after an hair transplant

i would get on finasteride and see how it goes for a year
if no results then go for an hair transplant



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I know a guy in his 40s who has spoken about finastride with his doctor, and the doctor refused to give him prescription for it. It seems like finasteride has a bad reputation in the UK???

Anyway, I'm one of those that tried finasteride and had "mild" side effects, so I decided that it wasn't worth it and I stopped taking it.

Realistically, if you want to keep your hair, finasteride is your only friend. You do have aggresive male pattern baldness. At least give finasteride a try and see if it works for you.

I also agree with the previous comments, hair transplant is not for you. You view hair transplant as a quick fix, but it isn't. It's expensive, time consuming, and it takes a long time for the transplanted hair to grow. It's not as quick as you think it is.

You should still have a consultation with an hair transplant specialist and find out all the details for yourself. At least you'll know what your options are.


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mrman said:
I don't want to risk the side effects of finasteride. My Doctor strongly advised me not to the point of refusing to make the perscription. My online research is also putting me off a lot. I would rather wait til I'm a good hair transplant candidate. Minoxidil seems to be doing a good job of keeping what I've got.

Well, it seems to me you have only one choice left if you're not willing to take finasteride, that being a rug. Enjoy.


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Id have to say after 1 year on finasteride, i find it helps more so then any other of the big 3 that im taking daily, minoxfoam and nizoral help but aint really noticed any hair growth from the front receeding areas I know its not meant to really but worth a try.

Id say finasteride is helping me more seems to have stoppped my body from attacking the hairs and to maintain what dignity i have left.

Tbh at the age of 19 and looking at your 1st pic id go on finasteride and see how that goes/ your still young and have a full head of hair wish I did something about it when I was 19/20 and not started at 30 when it was too late lol

For now enjoy life :)