hair transplant's crown only?


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Seems like when I see pics, the guys always get work done on their hairline... Do any just do work on the crown?


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Hi Klink,

I think most good hair transplant docs will do what you want providing you have enough doner hair, although you may need to reserve some for the hairline at a later date


Be extremely careful planning the restoration of the crown/vertex. :roll:

The crown can demand up to 50% of one's available scalp donor which will not leave enough to also restore the frontal zone and midscalp. :shock:

If family history on either side has men with hairloss in the frontal zone, do not get aggressive with the crown or you will regret it. We are viewed from the front most of the time and if you eventually lose your hairline and frontal zone, you will care more about that than the crown. That's the case for most guys who progressively lose hair in both places.

So remember, male pattern baldness is indeed progressive and you may have lots of hair in the front right now, but you can lose that hair as well with time as you get older.