Hair Transplants and DHT


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I have had (2) sets of hair transplants so far in my life. The first ones being about 7-8 years ago. So I started looking in the mirror yesterday and it seemed like some of the transplants were gone.

So I started wondering, if DHT kills hair follicles, and DHT is in my scalp. What is to stop the DHT from attacking the hair transplants? How does the DHT to know that the hair transplants.

I mean does it get to the hair transplants and say " This is new hair, we have to leave it alone? "

May be a stupid queation, but to me, I can't make sense of why they claim that hair transplants will never fall out and continue to grow.



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Transplants work because of "donor dominance". Yes - there's still DHT in the areas where you had hair transplanted, but the follicles that got put there are immune to it, because they are from the "safe zone". Donor dominance means that it doesn't matter where your hair is on the scalp - what matters is whether or not each individual follicle is susceptible to DHT or not.