hair transplant WITHOUT Finasteride?


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Would a hair transplant without Propecia be uncommon? The sides of that stuff just scares me a bit.


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I'm not a hair transplant expert but I have researched hair transplant's (for and if all my hair goes) and seen that its suppose to be used to keep what you have, so you won't progress. Its recommended and not required.

Sides aren't as bad as people make them out to be, you won't get a boner, is that horrific? I mean it has a half life of 8 hours, if you experience a side, stop taking it.


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Have you tried it? Sides are rare. What is your age and current hair situation?


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hair transplant's are risky with Propecia as there is no guarantee it will work forever. Propecia became mainstream arroun 1997 and there are already reports that it has lost it's effectiveness to some degree in some users.

Without propecia it's even a bigger gamble.

My advice is to try it first, maybe start at 1/4 pill (.25mg) and work up. Most likely you will be fine

I'm almost 40 and use 1.25 mg day, I can honestly have sex like 4 times a day easy, more like 7 if i wanted to.


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Im only 19. I still have a head of hair but its sheddind and thinning more and more. I can see my scalp in alot of places that i could never see in high school. Propecia sounds good but then once you here about it possibly having brain side effects, makes you care less about sex, and possibly infertility in the future, it kind of scares me away. 1 im a horny basterd and dont really want to change it. 2, if i were ready to settle down and have kids and then find out im incapable, i would probably be a pretty depressed dude for a while.


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Fear is for the fearful. All drugs have sides and for this one its very small percentage. You are young and possibly won't experience any and if you do it will be minimal. You are too young for a transplant, you are thinking too far ahead.

If you don't get on Propecia you will be loosing more hair in the long run :shakehead: . Take some baseline picks and get on the pills. If you experience a side effect, give it a week and if its still frequent get off the pills. In the end you gave it a chance and will continue to loose your hair as if you never heard about them. So it can only help you in the long run.

If you want faster results, get on the big 3.


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I would have a dr run all of you basic blood tests and do a full hormone workup as well as a sperm count BEFORE you take any propecia.

Have him do the same tests a year later.

Brain damage from Propecia ? That's a new one, lol

Be wary of anything a poster here named MEW says as he runs his own Propeci side effects web site and is sure propecia is the root of all evil.

The vast majority of guys who do get sides have them go away after they stop the drug.


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Fellow_Sufferer said:
What I want to know is that Will there be any sort of problem trying to have kids ?

Nobody will be able to answer that for you. Have you ever had a sperm count done ? If not than you don't even know if your capable of having kids now.

If it bothers you that much have some sperm frozen


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Night said:
you won't get a boner, is that horrific?

I have another solution. Why don't we just chop our balls off???

You don't have a clue what you are talking about.

Night said:
I mean it has a half life of 8 hours, if you experience a side, stop taking it.

It takes me about a week to get my normal libido back. finasteride isn't like a pain killer that works only for 8 hours. 1mg of finasteride reduces DHT for about a week.

To the original poster: try it for yourself. You are more likely to not have any side effects than have.


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There is one huge problem, cutting your balls off is forever and sides from finasteride are not. Lets not blow this overboard.


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Night said:
There is one huge problem, cutting your balls off is forever and sides from finasteride are not. Lets not blow this overboard.

Side effects are for forever for some guys, which should be taken into the equation, even if it's a small minority.


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Night said:
There is one huge problem, cutting your balls off is forever and sides from finasteride are not. Lets not blow this overboard.

OK... if there is a pill that can reduce your libido for one week at a time, take it and see how it feels. Then you can get back to us and tell us not to blow this overboard.


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Fellow_Sufferer said:
What I want to know is that Will there be any sort of problem trying to have kids ?

Merck put the disclaimer in there about conceiving just to cover their backs, i've not heard of anyone having deformed babies because they took finasteride, and i know people that have started a family while taking finasteride, and that's about all i can tell you on the matter.

Sides from taking finasteride are common, but go away without much ado, serious sides are a lot rarer but do happen.


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Side effects are for forever for some guys, which should be taken into the equation, even if it's a small minority.

Brain damage isn't a new one... It's unproven but that doesn't make it fantastical or unworthy of a mention.

The younger you are the more your body needs DHT.. So taking it is not a decision to make lightly.
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The in utero effects of Finasteride exposure during the period of embryonic and fetal development were evaluated in the rhesus monkey (gestation days 20 to 100), a species more predictive of human development than rats or rabbits. Intravenous administration of Finasteride to pregnant monkeys at doses as high as 800 ng/day (at least 60 to 120 times the highest estimated exposure of pregnant women to Finasteride from semen of men taking 5 mg/day) resulted in no abnormalities in male fetuses. In confirmation of the relevance of the rhesus model for human fetal development, oral administration of a dose of Finasteride (2 mg/kg/day; 20 times the recommended human dose of 5 mg/day or approximately 1 to 2 million times the highest estimated exposure to Finasteride from semen of men taking 5 mg/day) to pregnant monkeys resulted in external genital abnormalities in male fetuses. No other abnormalities were observed in male fetuses and no Finasteride-related abnormalities were observed in female fetuses at any dose.
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Thanks Petchsky.

I've used finasteride for over a year now and it did wonders for me. I've noticed no side effects either. So I wanted to know if it would have any effect on the health of the offspring. Its good to hear that people have started families normally.


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Night said:
I'm not a hair transplant expert but I have researched hair transplant's (for and if all my hair goes) and seen that its suppose to be used to keep what you have, so you won't progress. Its recommended and not required.

Sides aren't as bad as people make them out to be, you won't get a boner, is that horrific? I mean it has a half life of 8 hours, if you experience a side, stop taking it.

Do you realize how long a half life of 8 hours actually takes to clear out once your body is saturated? This stuff works in micro doses. finasteride can also greatly disrupt your hpta amongst other hormonal balances, which may NEVER return to normal.

I am only stating this because I experienced the worst sides both times I tried finasteride (6 months, then 3 months). Later I found out how many other peopel were f@cked up from it. The second time, it took me a good 3 months to lose the brain fog and lost libido.


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I'm willing to take Propecia for a time to get over shock loss, but definitely don't want to stay on it too long because of bad experience in the past. How long do you think I need to stay on it after a hair transplant to avoid the shock loss threat?