Hair Transplant or Not?


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Hi All,
Been a lurker on these forums for a few months now, and reading stuff here helped me develop a good regimen. So thanks to all of you for the all the help that I have already gotten from this forum.
Anyway, I am 24 and have been losing hair since I was about 18. Initially, it was concentrated at the apex but there has been diffuse thinning at the front for the last couple of years or so.
I started finasteride and minoxidil quite belatedly a couple of months ago. Even in that short time span, I have seen more than a fair amount of change in both the density and quality of my hair. It feels thicker and shedding has also gone down considerably. My hair dresser also noted the dramatic changes and asked what I was using to recommend to other patrons.
Now I plan on continuing the current regimen, since the best changes probably yet to come in, but I am still contemplating a hair transplant. I think I'll need about 1500 or so to get full coverage again. Any thoughts or suggestions on what would be a good course of action? Any and all suggestions would be appreciated a lot :)
Thanks in advance,


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Should mention that my current regimen is 5% minoxidil twice daily and 1.25mg finasteride every morning.
Thanks again,


New Member
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Thanks for the response Elliot. I also had a feeling that I shouldn't bother with an hair transplant unless things really start taking a turn for the worse.
Does anyone have any other thoughts or suggestions on how to proceed with just the meds, and potentially what to expect? The area of the apex that has low density now was virtually slick until a few weeks ago, so I am already quite happy and excited about the results.
Thanks again,


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Would other people like to add something to this? Any comments/suggestions would be very welcome :)


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I agree you dont really have enough hairloss to warrant surgery.