hair transplant on one side at a time (and combing over for camouflage)


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My forlock is pretty decent. I was wondering about how feasible it would be do do the right side of my receession, and combover the forlock hair during recovery, and then once healed, have the left side done.

I guess if they shave the whole area, then that wont work, or if I need the forlock itself butriced up with some grafts, that would also need to be dealt with.

Just wondering if anyone ever heard of such a thing.


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I did (do) something *very* similar with my temples (you can see it in my profile) though I had both done at the same time; I've had one small hair transplant with another next week to finish the job, in the mean-time I use creative styling to do a reasonable job of disguising the thin temple region of my hair.

Under close scrutiny it's easy to see that they are much less dense than other areas, but because the hair transplant is blended in well, no-one notices until I point it out.

Hope this helps :)


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Thanks GeminiX! I have been doing some creative combing with my forlcok for years now. I have less to work with than you do, but I get the idea. I also try to use side mirroors becase i have a tendancy to get it looking ok looking straight into the mirror, only to find out later tht I robbed peter to pay paul when i see from the side or top.