Hair transplant-Dead skin in transplanted area


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I'm 18 days post my FUE hair transplant.

All seems to have went well. I have been very careful with the hair grafts and have had no issues that I'm aware of.

However I'm started notice dead skin with the transplanted area i.e. recipient area of my scalp.

Is this normal? It seems when a gently rub my scalp the dead skin falls out. Often the baby hairs fall out with it.

This should be fine as I understand the grafts are secure by Day 14 at the latest.

Any advice and thoughts on this would be greatly appreciated.

Look forward to responses.


My Regimen
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I'm 18 days post my FUE hair transplant.

All seems to have went well. I have been very careful with the hair grafts and have had no issues that I'm aware of.

However I'm started notice dead skin with the transplanted area i.e. recipient area of my scalp.

Is this normal? It seems when a gently rub my scalp the dead skin falls out. Often the baby hairs fall out with it.

This should be fine as I understand the grafts are secure by Day 14 at the latest.

Any advice and thoughts on this would be greatly appreciated.

Look forward to responses.
I have heard that topical estrogen for a few weeks can help speed healing from transplants. Otherwise, try not to handle the area more than you need to. If some of the graphs don't take, then you can try micro-needling them back to a follicle-producing state. FUE is supposed to have worse "take" rates I believe but hopefully very few grafts are lost.