hair transplant at young age-why not?


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Thanks again for all the responses and advice, it is very much appreciated.

I completely agree with you that if the meds are not effective for me then getting a hair transplant on the hairline at my young age would probably be a mistake. However, I noted that I plan on waiting 6 months to a year to see if the finasteride is effective, and if not, then I will probably dismiss the idea of having a hair transplant in the near future. If the finasteride does prove to be effective in slowing/stabilizing my hair loss, then would it still be a complete mistake to go ahead and conservatively rebuild a mature hairline, as B Spot suggested?
I am really not looking to lower my hairline very much, if at all. I have always had a higher hairline, and I would be 100% satisfied with a mature, conservative hairline. As B Spot proposed, this can likely be done with the use of about 1200 grafts.

I think a lot of guys automatically assume that because I am young I am looking for a NW1 teenage hairline, which is not true at all. I understand that in my situation, my expectations are limited.

B Spot,
Thanks for your understanding and advice. The doctor that I met with originally actually told me that if I were to go through with a hair transplant, it would likely be about 1400 grafts, used in a manner similar to what you suggested.

Judging from the photos that I posted, where, in relation to the red line that I drew in myself, would my hairline end up being if I did have a procedure of about 1200-1400 grafts done?

Thanks again guys!


Well first and foremost, let's hope Propecia works and then re-group. I think everyone here is making some legitimate points but ultimately, it will be his decision. BBHead is well educated and done his homework, for sure. I do not think he would be misled by any Doctor because he would know it from his own research. He does not have unrealistic goals. This is a personal decision BBHead will ultimately have to make for himself.


Absolutely Gill-- for a balding 20 year old he is being very considerate of all opinions and asking very good questions.

B-- I don't believe you will be able to lower your hairline to the point you drew on your photo--- I think instead of creating a linear hairline, perhaps design a hairline that bolsters your current forelock--(this tends to pull the look "forward") and then move your hairline about 1/2 cm forward where it is receded--- it is hard to tell from pics exactly but I think 1000-1200 grafts max would really do the trick.

Again, take your time, do some research and keep in mind your future loss--- I believe you will be ok.

Take Care,



Go to where I replied to you on two threads, "greying hair" and "who is the very best" where you are making a run (soliciting) at new patients and steering to Dr. Shapiro's salesman (consultant) Matt. That is HIGHLY UNETHICAL and called SHILLING and you of all people know it! Shame on you and the clinic you represent!!! :nono:

It is not only DISRESPECTFUL to patients as a whole, but also DISRESPECTFUL to the other professional doctors who are supposed to be Shapiro's colleagues. And if you are SHILLING openly, then what are you doing privately with e-mails and PMs? :freaked:

Are you guys really that slow because IMHO, it looks desperate and premeditated! :freaked2:

I have lost all respect for you and the doctor you represent and don't think I am alone in that opinion...I have been getting tons of e-mails and a few phone calls regarding this shilling you are doing... :nono:

Keep it up and it will be ALL OVER THE INTERNET WORLD OF HAIRLOSS!!! :roll:

These are not personal attacks but my opnions just as my disclaimer states.


I'll ask you to remove your post.

I'll handle this privately.



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Hey guys,
While I wait out these next few months to see how effective the Propecia will be, I thought I would consider actually figuring out what my long term plan might look like if I do decide to start my hair transplant journey in the next 6-12 months. In doing this I came up with a few questions that you guys can hopefully help me out a bit with..

What do you think would be a realistic number of grafts used in order to build a conservative hairline, based on the pics I provided? It has been suggested that somewhere around 1200. Based on my research, and looking into similar cases, it looks like somewhere between 1000 and 1400 would be the right amount. This leads to my next question: Would the use of 1400 grafts on the hairline be a conservative enough approach, given my situation?
Assuming I have average donor supply, this would leave me with somewhere between 5-6000 grafts to fill in behind the hairline as further hair loss occurs. Is that enough?
FYI, when I met with the Doctor 2 months ago, he noted that I had good donor supply. However, I have no idea how many grafts that equates to.
Attaining a good estimate as to the number of grafts I need will help me out greatly in my next step: Deciding between FUE and strip.
Lots of decisions ahead... :freaked:
Thanks guys, I look forward to reading any advice/help you can offer!



Only a competent surgeon can advise you on how many potential grafts you have available after a physical assesment. If you are going to keep your hair short, then yes you can potentially get by with the 1200-1500 range and recommend FUE.

But that's the short term need you have right now. Obviously you know you will need much more work in your lifetime so that's where strip becomes more practical because of the yield and not having a depleted or motheaten donor appearance.