Hair thinning and more visible hair parting

Walrus Vivid

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Asking for hair advice

Hi, I am 19 male and I was previously diagnosed with scalp psoriasis/eczema from my dermatologist a couple of months ago when i consulted due to persistent dandruff and itchy skin. She prescribed me some anti-fungal shampoo to deal with it and she also mentioned that i should take this problem seriously since it may lead to balding. Recently, I noticed a more visible hair parting and hair thinning when looking at the mirror and took a photo of it from the angle above as shown in the image which shows my hair parting. It may be due to the stress i was facing during exams or due to the scalp psoriasis i was previously diagnosed before. However, what can I do to solve my hair thinning problem. If i have to go bald, could you share experiences of being bald


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Going bald varies a lot between people. For some its a slow process and take many years and for others its very fast. When i was young Rogaine worked really well for years but eventually it gets less effective. Finasteride works well to slow things down also but going bald is not a pleasant experience. Lots of people on here can help.