Hair That Falls Out Has Dandruff Attached?


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I've been losing hair for a while. I have a very dry and oily scalp, but my dermatologist said she doesn't think it's a scalp condition. My blood work came back with increased testosterone, so she thinks it might be that. I've been taking birth control, but so far no changes. I've also been using minoxidil. However, I'm starting to wonder if the hormones are even the cause- I've noticed that hair easily comes out with dry flakes attached to the tip (the hairs that come out easily are weak, brittle hairs with a fleck of dandruff attached). Does this mean that my dry scalp is the cause of my hair loss, or is this just a side effect that's not directly causing it? Does anyone else experience this? Thanks.

Armando Jose

Senior Member
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I've been losing hair for a while. I have a very dry and oily scalp, but my dermatologist said she doesn't think it's a scalp condition. My blood work came back with increased testosterone, so she thinks it might be that. I've been taking birth control, but so far no changes. I've also been using minoxidil. However, I'm starting to wonder if the hormones are even the cause- I've noticed that hair easily comes out with dry flakes attached to the tip (the hairs that come out easily are weak, brittle hairs with a fleck of dandruff attached). Does this mean that my dry scalp is the cause of my hair loss, or is this just a side effect that's not directly causing it? Does anyone else experience this? Thanks.

IMO you have problems with sebum flow, I think that it is possible have, to the same time, a dry and oily scalp.

Maybe using jojoba oil as a lotion in the night and wash your hair in the morning, can be usefull.

Be patient