Hair Systems In Boston, Ma Usa Area


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I'm getting pretty close to pulling the trigger on this. I'm 50, divorced, and maybe a NW4-ish (more like a 3, except the stuff on top is a whispy, kinda pathetic fuzz). I've been mostly cool with the process, and buzz it very close and offset it with a light beard. I honestly think I look ok bald. Thing is, I'm single, and am finding my choices incredibly limited by today's "swipe left" dating culture, where "ok" doesn't cut it.

I have done quite a bit of research into hair systems over the months, and I think I'd be fine with the maintenance (I actually enjoy that kind of routine - heck I'm already used to an hour a week I spend clipping, shaping, and coloring what I have left). I just think the best way for me to kick this off would be in person with a human, to figure out the color, sizing, cut, etc. I can't for the life of me find anywhere local that advertises this (although there are some general spas/clubs that talk about this, the prices they quote are ridiculous). I am definitely willing to do a day trip (like 4 hour drive each way, which would put me in NYC). Any advice?


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I was 23 when I got my piece, a little over a year ago. I went to a toupee/system place. It looked very legitimate, even had private rooms. The WORST decision of my life. The fact that I was so inexperienced with hairpieces forced me to go to a hair piece "professional". All in all, It was a disaster, not only was i shaved now, but the piece was cut awful, and the haircut, jesus christ. So I went home, looked at the shape of the shaved airstrip, cut the piece to exact shape. Then I went to my barber and told him, cut this like real hair although its a piece, dont worry it wont come off.

And here we are, they've cut two pieces for me since, looking better and better every time. MInd you its a regular barber.

Because you're 50, having a full thick head of hair may seem a bit unreasonable. So I would highly suggest going with a custom piece that has a gradual hairline, as well as it to be thinner. Don't overcompensate on the hairline. So I would start with the process on the custom piece. There's a million tutorials online as well. PM if you need any additional info.


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Thanks - I'll look into the DIY-plus-barber route. I'm definitely looking for something that looks realistic on my head, AND looks appropriate for my face/age. However, I don't care if it's drastically different than my current appearance. I've already decided to keep it at my current grey level (about 40%), and my original hairline is naturally high and peaky. I'll look into various thinness; I'm assuming the thinner ones still provide full coverage (ie scalp not gleaming in bright sunlight) - otherwise I don't see much point.