Hair Style for Telogen Effluvium


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It's now 9mos into my battle with chronic telogen effluvium + mild male pattern baldness (Norwood 2A).
Perhaps it's time for a change in hair style, as my hair is of medium length and fairly curly
which helps covers most of the thinning. But it's starting to look a bit strange with the
longer anagen hairs sticking out, sort of like actor Jason Lee on "My Name is Earl" w/o the mustache..

I could cut my hair very short, but with the thinning, I might look like I've got some of major
catastrophic illness. Nor do I want to shave my head.

How do other guys with chronic Telogen Effluvium cope with this awaiting regrowth? Any recommended shampoos or conditioners?

Thanks for the support


Senior Member
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A shaved head would normally be the best choice. You could always use concealers and keep your current hairstyle...


Established Member
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I have Telogen Effluvium, had it for the last 4 years, don't see any regrowth happening. Just go to a really good hairdresser, explain your problem and if its a good hairdresser they will be able to disguse it. For some reason shorter is better, i can't understand it either, but the longer it is the more visable the balding is.

Good luck