Hair Shedding Has Significantly Decreased Since Quitting My Job?


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Is this weird?

Ever since i quit my job my hair shedding has significantly decreased. I used to sit at my desk (at work) and could amass a pile of hair if i was to run my hand through my hair.

Now that i'm not working, hardly any hairs come out when i run my hand through my hair.

Also when i shower i've noticed a lot less hair on my hands

I wonder why?

My hair also seems a bit thicker

(i'm not on any treatments yet)

edit: The only thing i do differently now is

1) I fast till lunch time everyday (when i used to work i would eat breakfast)
2) i stopped drinking coffee and green tea
3) i sleep more


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I'm no expert but I'm guess the lack of stress from work as well as getting more sleep probably helped.
Not sure if coffee or tea would affect hair loss though.