hair seems better with each hair cut


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Has anyone else noticed that their hair is much easier to manage and style after a haircut? I cut my hair roughly once every 3 weeks and for the first 10 days or so after the cut my hair seems much lighter and easier to work with. after it grows a little longer it gets progressively more difficult.

My theory is that when you are on propecia, the hair at the root is thicker than at the tip, so as the strands grow longer, there is more of an imbalance along the individual strand of hair causing for it to respond less favorably to products and/or blow drying.



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As with most of this stuff; its the same without propecia.
For two reasons:

1) Your hair doesnt like to be long.
2) When your hair grows, it never grows exactly the way you want it. Meaning, in a few weeks some hairs have gone way out of line for your prefered hairstyle.

BOTH of these factors are allways there but to a different extent for different people. Some people can have long hair when they are 30. Some cant even when they are 16. Incidently, hairloss affects both these factors as well. The more you suffer from hairloss, the shorter your hair likes to be.

My hair likes to be about 1.5 decimeters, after that it gets really wierd.


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rptiffany, your right on the money with this post, dude.

i get my hair cut less often, about once every couple months. Before finasteride and in the first month or two taking finasteride my hair would look WORSE after each cut. but now, after 9 months, it look s a LOT better than before...before it was a pain to get my haircut because it just didnt look as good as it used to, it looked unhealthy..

Now i can see it getting better after each cut, it looks healthy like it used to. I dont know if its like this for everyone, but its definitely like this for me. Its a cool thing to see though isnt it?

optimus prime

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Yea, same for me. Its a slow process, but it looks slighty better after each cut. I had a horrible shed in November, 07, but since then its continued to improve again.


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If you consider that DHT affected hair grows shorter and for less time it makes sense that the hair nearer the scalp will be denser as the long hair will have grown longer than the surrounding hair.

When you cut it short you even the length up all over the scalp so it looks much better.


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CD79 said:
If you consider that DHT affected hair grows shorter and for less time it makes sense that the hair nearer the scalp will be denser as the long hair will have grown longer than the surrounding hair.

When you cut it short you even the length up all over the scalp so it looks much better.

That's exactly what happens to me.... the front of my hair just doesn't get the volume it used to. The sides and back get too large and it doesn't look nice :freaked: . So I end up having a hair cut once a month.

I miss the days I didn't have a haircut for three years :hairy:


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its so frustrating that everyone has success with propecia (at least maintaining what they have), when my hair gets worse and worse daily... Propecia worked for me, but couldnt tolerate the side effects anymore =/