Hair Pulling Test


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well guys i just read up on Telogen Effluvium since ive been just realizing my hair dramticly getting thinner the past few months, and i did the test twice both times i pulled out 6-8 hairs with these white bulbs at the base. The reason i was reading up on Telogen Effluvium is because ive had sever emotinol distress the last year and 1/2 , 6 months ago i thought i had testicular cancer but prolonged seeing a Doctor for about 2 months. Not a second passed when i wasnt a nervous wreck!!! So do u think guys think Telogen Effluvium is the reason for my thinning??? if so what do i do
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The pull test is sh*t. I went to a Derm got a pull test and was diagnosed with Telogen Effluvium. I came back in 6 months and he is like, "Oh. yeah, this is not Telogen Effluvium".

Telogen Effluvium is the entire scalp. So don't believe it is Telogen Effluvium when only the top is thinning, as in my case.
