Hair pieces or fue hair transplant???


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Hi guys im 29 years old been losing my hair since my early 20s. Its got to the point where i never want to show my hair (i've wore a hat constantly for well over a year). Started to feel depressed and stopped going out. I was wanting a hair piece or hair transplant cant really make my mind up which one. Would just like some info from people who wear hair pieces and have had hair transplants (was thinking fue). thanks


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A transplant doctor will want you on finasteride and MIN for a while before he/shell will do a transplant. If you don't want to do a regimen of these or similar meds you are better off going high quality hair piece.


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Hi thanks I was thinking about getting a hair piece and maybe having the fue treatment in a few years then I can start taking finasteride. Do you no any good places what sell top quality hairpieces as I don't really no what to look for or even where to start thanks


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you really should only consider transplants if you have a lot of money you can spend on it, your hairloss is either very slow or has stabilized or you are a good responder to finasteride and dont get side effects.

if anyone of those conditions is not met, you are not a candidate for a transplant and would get on hairsystems sooner or later anway.

hair systems really are not as bad as it sounds, do some research and you will see how good of an alternative they really are.


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Hi thanks I've been doing some research but to be honest dont no what I'm looking for. Ive looked at some systems that the website shows are great but they always are and your not always Garunteed to receive what they show. Do you wear a piece? If so can you give me some tips as to what to look for. Thanks


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Hi red. I've been doing some research too and ordered my piece which I should receive in 2-3weeks.

From what I understand you have to try and miss until you get what you want. This is why I went for the cheapest piece for the first one, so I can see if I am comfortable wearing...

I made a template and sent a hair sample, to see how good they can match my color(I have complicated color. different shines under different lightning conditions).

Other things you should consider regarding your own hair & hairstyle :

-base (from what I understand the swiss lace is the best for exposing the hairline, but is less durable than french lace, other bases are not so good, because the scalp can't breath)

-hair direction : regarding your hairstyle, it can be forward combed, backward combed, freestyle (or you can combine for example front freestyle + the rest of the piece combed forward)

If you don't have your own crown, you should decide how much receeded the crown should be for the piece to look natural and where you want the crown point (center,left,right).
You should also consider your years and eyebrows and maybe have a piece with slightly graduatly receeded front, if nothing else, less people will suspect anything, because you look like you are receeding

-Curl (many posts I read says that even if you have somewhat straight hair is better to order the lightest curl, because it looks more natural than straight hair)

-density (be careful not to order a piece too dense, esecially in the hairline... if there is an unnatural wall of hair, everyone will know... you can also send a close-up picture of your existing hair for the company to match your density, because every company has their own standards (density in %))

-hair color. it is best to send the hair sample, so they can do their best to match it. I doubt they can do the exact match of your hair (they color processed asian hair, which I assume is black) if you don't have the standard - easy color like black, brown..... not many tones or shines. But if they are close it's ok, because even with the gel or some styling product you can blend it well (if I put gel on my hair there is no specefec shine and the hair is darker). Else there are also some products available for this purpose to darken or lighten the piece color, but I haven't tried any yet, so I can't say more about them.

-Do ask for bleached knots or else it looks wierd when you can see the knots

I should receive the piece in 2-3 weeks and will report on the color match.


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Thanks some good advice there. May I ask where you purchased your hairpiece from. And an update when you've received it would be great. Thanks again.


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I've also thought about hair transplant's or Hair pieces.

There are pro's and con's for both.

If you are a good candidate for a hair transplant i.e. Dont have too much loss, good donor, stabilized loss through med's (without sides) and have the money then if you research your doctor you can have great results.

Hair pieces are a great solution to those who arent very good candidates or dont have the money or simply dont want to rely on meds, plus the thickness and style of a hairpiece can be anything you want unlike hair transplant's. Costs are low too and like hair transplant's hairpieces have come a long way and now are better than ever.

I have the money for a hair transplant and maybe get one, but in the meantime instead of looking like I have a crap hairstyle I'm using a small partial to give me a much better look and help my confidence.

And if I decide to have a hair transplant in the future at least I can look back about wearing a piece and say my hair looked good and i did something positive.


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Swopo said:
Hi red. I've been doing some research too and ordered my piece which I should receive in 2-3weeks.

From what I understand you have to try and miss until you get what you want. This is why I went for the cheapest piece for the first one, so I can see if I am comfortable wearing...

I made a template and sent a hair sample, to see how good they can match my color(I have complicated color. different shines under different lightning conditions).

Other things you should consider regarding your own hair & hairstyle :

-base (from what I understand the swiss lace is the best for exposing the hairline, but is less durable than french lace, other bases are not so good, because the scalp can't breath)

-hair direction : regarding your hairstyle, it can be forward combed, backward combed, freestyle (or you can combine for example front freestyle + the rest of the piece combed forward)

If you don't have your own crown, you should decide how much receeded the crown should be for the piece to look natural and where you want the crown point (center,left,right).
You should also consider your years and eyebrows and maybe have a piece with slightly graduatly receeded front, if nothing else, less people will suspect anything, because you look like you are receeding

-Curl (many posts I read says that even if you have somewhat straight hair is better to order the lightest curl, because it looks more natural than straight hair)

-density (be careful not to order a piece too dense, esecially in the hairline... if there is an unnatural wall of hair, everyone will know... you can also send a close-up picture of your existing hair for the company to match your density, because every company has their own standards (density in %))

-hair color. it is best to send the hair sample, so they can do their best to match it. I doubt they can do the exact match of your hair (they color processed asian hair, which I assume is black) if you don't have the standard - easy color like black, brown..... not many tones or shines. But if they are close it's ok, because even with the gel or some styling product you can blend it well (if I put gel on my hair there is no specefec shine and the hair is darker). Else there are also some products available for this purpose to darken or lighten the piece color, but I haven't tried any yet, so I can't say more about them.

-Do ask for bleached knots or else it looks wierd when you can see the knots

I should receive the piece in 2-3 weeks and will report on the color match.

After reading that long set of instructions, I wondered to myself what I'd be doing with my night life if I were not balding and reading about hair pieces.


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CCS said:
After reading that long set of instructions, I wondered to myself what I'd be doing with my night life if I were not balding and reading about hair pieces.

Haha :)

Anyway I got the system and it is amazing.. it is my first, so my expectations were very low. It looked a bit darker then my hair, but when I put it on I was amazed. I mistaked the system hair with my own(I have a front partial). I was pulling and feeling weird, because I didn't feel anything, then I realised it was the system hair. The only thing is that the knots are not bleached, so like many users I will have to do it myself.