Hair Max Laser Comb


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Hairmax laser comb totally legit, worth getting, helped me!

Hello Everybody,
My name is Sarah and although I have visited this website over the past couple years or so...I never thought that I would ever post anything. I do however, feel compelled to write something now because I believe I found something that works and truly feel obligated to share this as I understand how many women like myself experience through the angst of hairloss.
Probably over a half a year ago I purchased a HairMax Laser com. I was really nervous about spending the $600 dollars or so because I never found much concrete feedback about it on this site which I trust. However, it did offer a money back guarantee so I made the decision to at least take the chance.
I have to say it is the best thing I have ever bought. I do use it...not as often as I should be using it b/c I get lazy and stop ...but when I start to notice my scalp especially start becoming more noticeable...I use it. It absolutely lessens the shedding, and increases hair growth making my scalp less noticeable and best of all created new growth. I am positive it is not just my imagination or false hopes either. The other week (I hadn't used it for two months and my hair started really falling out around my hairline. I was very depressed. I have used it all this week and literally my hair is much thicker now and I have regrowth in an area about a half of a centimeter that had no hair at all.) I know this sounds like a big scam...or sounds too good to be true, but it has happened to me. The other thing I really like about it is that overall it makes my scalp and my hair just look and feel so much better even after just one use. I have to say also (since I am one of those people who are always skeptical of reading exactly the type of post I am writing now) that I am not a salesperson or in no way affiliated with this company in any way whatsoever. The other good news I have to share is that it not only had this effect on me but also one of my best friends. And for those of you who will find this of interest, I am caucasian, but my best girlfriend has ethnic hair---she is Black. She was experiencing hairloss and had a tried many different products. I recommended that she purchase it and although she was initially very suspicious and skeptical, she decided since there was the money back guarantee to also take the chance. She bought it and after using it for just a few weeks told me that it was the best advice I have ever given her. So, my point is that it works well on ethnic hair as well as european hair. It treats the a laser light. It is a small hairbrush type tool that from what I understand is the same laser type machine that hairclinics offer (the ones you sit under) that cost several hundreds of dollars for a few treatments. I would suggest that if you are interested in learning more about it that you visit the website for more information. Again, I am in no way affiliated with the company. I only use this and Rogaine 5 percent. I wish everyone good luck...and remember that beauty radiates from a positive spirit and that being sexy is all about confidence no matter how or what you lack on the outside.
All the best,