hair loss/thinning in asian males?


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Anyone know if the pattern is different in asian men then other ethnicities?

If there are any other asian men on this board, can you tell me if your hair started to thin all over then started to hit the temples and crown?

from what i've read, male pattern baldness doesnt really affect the sides or the back (not totally sure though)

When I first started to notice a change in my hair, I noticed that my hair began to thin everywhere (very dry and brittle) including the sides and back drastically.

well, drastically is relative as most asian men have thick porcupine like hair in their teens.

Is this just the beginning stage?



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asian here..

hm.. yes, i started thinning first for around 2 years at the age of 19. no temple recession at all that time. just kept blocking the sink when i'd wash. then 2 years later my temples started receding.

i thought male pattern baldness doesnt affect the sides and back, but my sides are really thin and so is my back, but my back started thinning when i started taking finasteride.

everytime i'd pull at the back or sideburns i'd end up with 4-5 hair at least. so now my hair is thin all over, including back and sides including sideburns.

my temples would be around Norwood 2.5 ish..but my anterior was hit the worst i hairline is thin and the area right behind it is the worst.


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Hmm... i never noticed any hair really falling out.

just one day i looked and it was really thin everywhere!

maybe i just never paid enough attention?


Sir_LagaLot said:
asian here..

hm.. yes, i started thinning first for around 2 years at the age of 19. no temple recession at all that time. just kept blocking the sink when i'd wash. then 2 years later my temples started receding.

i thought male pattern baldness doesnt affect the sides and back, but my sides are really thin and so is my back, but my back started thinning when i started taking finasteride.

everytime i'd pull at the back or sideburns i'd end up with 4-5 hair at least. so now my hair is thin all over, including back and sides including sideburns.

my temples would be around Norwood 2.5 ish..but my anterior was hit the worst i hairline is thin and the area right behind it is the worst.

SIrlag - Have you see any benefit from the regimen you have followed. ?? mine is pretty similar...


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I am a full asian but as fr as i can tell sian guys lose hair in this way.
In most cases it is gradual male pattern baldness.
In most cases it is Vertex and front.temples which goes first
And many asian men show some form of hair thinning.

Asians in my country Singapore



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i have one chineese friend with thinning vertex soft hair and the other with amount of hair u cannot imagine, i mean look like a fur or grass, i think it depends. :shock:


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i need to ask you asian guys here.... when did it start? what times of your life/ (new job/ lack of sex/ broke up w/ gf/ cranky...etc...) what was going on in your life at that time and before that time.


chewbaca said:
I am a full asian but as fr as i can tell sian guys lose hair in this way.
In most cases it is gradual male pattern baldness.
In most cases it is Vertex and front.temples which goes first
And many asian men show some form of hair thinning.

Asians in my country Singapore


Chewbaca - Which one are you and do you have any pics to share ? how long have you been on finasteride and how are the gains ?


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well, i just started my sixth month. I dont know what it was that gave me a shed within 10 days, cause the first 20 days or so i was also using minoxidil. but i applied it only to my hairline and temples whilst the shed i got was from all over and mostly the back and sides, so i thought it was a finasteride shed. Ditched the minoxidil on the 20th day.

so far from this regimen, the only thing i'd swear by would be the MSM. my hair just wouldnt grow, but after around 3 wks of MSM intake it started growing real fast.

i still havent regrown a single shed my hair feels real thin all over. to the untamed eye my hair loss is pretty much invisable. i keep it short on the sides so my receding temples are unnoticable. and when dry, i slick my hair slightly back so the anterior portion which was worst hit cant be seen either.

I dont think finasteride has done anything for me so far.. definitely didnt decrease my daily shed, i'm still losing 70-100 hair a day.

I also added in a Zinc shampoo. Its called "ZINC" ..go figure. has green tea, menthol and 1% zinc pyrithione.. didnt do anything for my shed either.

how're you faring?


Sir_LagaLot said:

well, i just started my sixth month. I dont know what it was that gave me a shed within 10 days, cause the first 20 days or so i was also using minoxidil. but i applied it only to my hairline and temples whilst the shed i got was from all over and mostly the back and sides, so i thought it was a finasteride shed. Ditched the minoxidil on the 20th day.

so far from this regimen, the only thing i'd swear by would be the MSM. my hair just wouldnt grow, but after around 3 wks of MSM intake it started growing real fast.

i still havent regrown a single shed my hair feels real thin all over. to the untamed eye my hair loss is pretty much invisable. i keep it short on the sides so my receding temples are unnoticable. and when dry, i slick my hair slightly back so the anterior portion which was worst hit cant be seen either.

I dont think finasteride has done anything for me so far.. definitely didnt decrease my daily shed, i'm still losing 70-100 hair a day.

I also added in a Zinc shampoo. Its called "ZINC" ..go figure. has green tea, menthol and 1% zinc pyrithione.. didnt do anything for my shed either.

how're you faring?

I did the EXACT same thing with minoxidil like you... left it out at day 20 since it was making my hair flaky and looked like daindruff on my hair... I am just about 6 weeks into Propecia and other things so no visible results so far... i did shed a lot at 3 weeks into minoxidil and that too all over .. sides and back too . i also shedded like 200 a day after i left minoxidil for 3 days... last 3 days have been a lot calmer though (touchwood!) I usually dont try to count the shedded hair... unless it falls on my desk while I am working ( thats a pain to watch) but there is nothing u can do about shedding... just watch and feel hear broken... so in conclusion no results as yet...


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26.5, high density on crown and top of head. Receding at temples like this guy. I was born with a high V shaped hairline so compared to my teenage hairline, it has entered into the mature NW2.5 phase. Absolutely no diffuse thinning on top or at crown before using dutas or minoxidil.

I have been on dutas for close to 11 months. No difference on top or at crown. Temples and front hairline seem to have suffered slightly, but with new vellus hair showing. My skin has taken a nose dive having a flaky dry texture despite a very rigorous daily regimen of cleaning, toning and moisturizing. I've also been on minoxidil 5% only for the temples for the better part of 3 years despite no results. I am tempted to discard my entire hair regimen and let nature take its course.

My brother is close to 30 and shows no sign of thinning or receding. Both my father and uncle on my fathers side are bald. My grandfather on both parents side kept their hair well into their 50's and thinned after that.


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Hey guys I just thought I'd give my input as well. I'm chinese and 21 years old and I started losing my hair a year ago, almost exactly this date last year.

My loss is concentrated mainly on my crown and the top of my head. My hairline and temples are still relatively intact and holding strong. I first noticed I was losing hair in the shower after I shampooed my hair. I looked down at my hands and was like WTF?!? I never lost this much hair.

I went on Propecia in august of 2005 and took it for around 3 months and had to stop because I was experienceing alot chest pain and discomfort and fearing gyno I stopped taking the pill. I couldn't really tell if the pill was working or not but towards the 3 month mark I was definately losing less hair than before.

Currently my hairloss has stabilized somewhat, I'm not losing as much as as when this male pattern baldness crap first started. It still sucks nonetheless.

Well hope this helped. If you have any questions just private message me.


YoungAndThin said:
Hey guys I just thought I'd give my input as well. I'm chinese and 21 years old and I started losing my hair a year ago, almost exactly this date last year.

My loss is concentrated mainly on my crown and the top of my head. My hairline and temples are still relatively intact and holding strong. I first noticed I was losing hair in the shower after I shampooed my hair. I looked down at my hands and was like WTF?!? I never lost this much hair.

I went on Propecia in august of 2005 and took it for around 3 months and had to stop because I was experienceing alot chest pain and discomfort and fearing gyno I stopped taking the pill. I couldn't really tell if the pill was working or not but towards the 3 month mark I was definately losing less hair than before.

Currently my hairloss has stabilized somewhat, I'm not losing as much as as when this male pattern baldness crap first started. It still sucks nonetheless.

Well hope this helped. If you have any questions just private message me.

So are you OFF Propecia ? Do you have pics ?


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19 year old asian right here...sometimes i think my hair is playing games with my mind. sometimes my hair feels so thick and sometimes it doesnt. my hair use to be seriously dry and brittle and i thought for sure i was losing my hair but after trying some intense shampoos and conditioners my hair has somewhat regained its strength and density.
i dont have any bald spots or a receding hairline right now and i hope it stays like this for a while like until im 80 years old.

and im lucky i dont see large amounts of hair while showering. i only see 1-3 hairs max come out when i shower which i think is pretty normal...I HOPE!


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Hey everybody, Ive been acting crazy lately cause of my hair problem and PM some of you guys...heres my situation, Im a chinese-american and recently turned 21 and have been suffering a receding hair line from the temples...when i was 20 my scalp has some serious dandruff, flakes, itching problems which was making me lose a lot of hair!

Then a couple months ago i found out about Nizoral 1% which i continue buying from and Nioxin conditioner which is leaving a dent in my wallet...the Nizoral result is great, i shampoo my hair and leave the Nizoral on my head for at least 5 mins before washing it off, then i apply the Nioxin conditioner scalp therapy.

I dont suffer the flakes any more but im still losing a lot of hair!!! Its to the point where i dont even gel my hair any more, i use to have a slick back hair style, now i dont even comb my hair at all, its just a asian bowl cut!!! whenever i run gel thru my hair there would b a couple strands stuck to my fingers and when im in the shower washing my hair, i would have like over 30 strands on my hand which drives me crazy...

I also read that intensive weight training makes you lose hair so ive stopped working out the past month and ive been taking a multivitamin everyday along with vitamin E, vitamin C, and Folic Acid...and i use Nizoral, thast the only strategy i know...And i wonder if alcohol, smoking and/or lack of sleep could be the cause of me losing my hair???

right now im looking into rogaine so i can apply it to my temples cause i read some reviews, that people are saying it actually grows on the also looking at Tricomin and propecia...and i was wondering what are the side effects of propecia and where can i get ahold of the pills?? and is there any doctor i can see???

any advice that you guys could give me would be great, THANKS!


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I'm asian with diffuse loss. I've been on most of the major treatments at some point, giving them time to work, but nothing seems to be helping. I'm pretty sure it's a bit worse than in June(the first set of pictures). Maybe someone can tell me if they think so too. I'm still going to continue with the big 3 and fluridil(got 2 month supply left), hopefully something shakes out. It will be painful to be asian and shave the head, since it isn't something that is very common, although being close to 30 helps a bit, although I've been losing since 20.

You can read my story at this website.

Any comments appreciated.[/url]


DeezNuts said:
I'm asian with diffuse loss. I've been on most of the major treatments at some point, giving them time to work, but nothing seems to be helping. I'm pretty sure it's a bit worse than in June(the first set of pictures). Maybe someone can tell me if they think so too. I'm still going to continue with the big 3 and fluridil(got 2 month supply left), hopefully something shakes out. It will be painful to be asian and shave the head, since it isn't something that is very common, although being close to 30 helps a bit, although I've been losing since 20.

You can read my story at this website.

Any comments appreciated.[/url]

When was picture number 12 taken (the one that shows the most loss/diffusion) ? Also over what period of time were all the pics taken ?
I think you have done an excellent job mainitaing if your hairloss started at 20.... I mean it


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hey dudes, I'm not asian. Just wanted to ask you guys if you knew that rural asians in places like china are not very prone to Male pattern baldness at younger ages. Studies have shown that Asians living in more modern cities who subscribe to a western diet (e.g. fast food) have much higher incidence of going bald. I strongly believe that this sort of thing suggests that male pattern baldness is NOT purely genetic. Smoking, poor diet, increased alcohol consumption probably have quite an impact in speeding along the balding process.

I think an essential addition to any sensible hair loss regimen would be proper diet. No fast food. Ever. That sh*t is like death. Eat lots of fruits and veggies, eat organic beef, fish, and chicken. Cut down on carbs.

Just my two cents.


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cook'n'milkies said:
hey dudes, I'm not asian. Just wanted to ask you guys if you knew that rural asians in places like china are not very prone to Male pattern baldness at younger ages. Studies have shown that Asians living in more modern cities who subscribe to a western diet (e.g. fast food) have much higher incidence of going bald. I strongly believe that this sort of thing suggests that male pattern baldness is NOT purely genetic. Smoking, poor diet, increased alcohol consumption probably have quite an impact in speeding along the balding process.

I think an essential addition to any sensible hair loss regimen would be proper diet. No fast food. Ever. That $#iT is like death. Eat lots of fruits and veggies, eat organic beef, fish, and chicken. Cut down on carbs.

Just my two cents.

You are exactly right. When I went to China this past summer for vacation I visited a few rural villages and I did not notice any young males balding. They all had full thick hair with perfect hairlines.

However, when I travelled down to major cities like Beijing and Shanghai, very industrialized cities that have adopted many features of Western living, like fast food and heavy drinking, I noticed that alot of the young males were losing their hair.

I think that male pattern baldness is genetic to some point and that if it is in your genes to lose you hair you will do so. But I also believe that our diet, health diets and living habits can bring about male pattern baldness much sooner than as dictated by your genes. Say if you are "destined" to lose your hair to male pattern baldness and this is supposed to start when you're 45 or 50 I think that poor diet and all these hormones and sugars in our foods can trigger it to start in your 20's.


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Statistics don't lie. Poor diet potentially means early balding, in my estimation. This does not mean one can cure one's hair woes by taking a bunch of supplements. You need actual nutrition from good food. Seriously, stay away from fast food, it is poison.