Hair loss got me fired on my 1st day at my new job.



It was at Sainsbury’s Home base - a store that specialises in garden equipment.

It was my first day today.

I was really proud of myself for getting this job.

This was supposed to be the start of my new life.

I still found it a challenge to get the thought of hair loss out of my mind, but I was dealing with it the best I could.

Everything was going well, when all of a sudden I was approached by a middle aged couple who were looking to buy a new shed for their garden.

I felt nervous.

The man then looked me straight in the eye and asked “Have you got any garden sheds?â€

I paused for a minute.

“Pardon me? “ I replied in an inquisitive manner, dressed neatly in my green uniform.

“Have you got any sheds?†the man asked me once again.

Still confused and with a look of anguish etched on my face, I replied back “Pardons me?â€

Looking slightly annoyed, the man then shouted back in an aggressive manner “Sheds? sheds? Can you show me a shed!?â€

I got the wrong idea.

Before he could finish the sentence, I pulled a confused face, thrusted my head down on the counter before shining a torch on my head and furiously shaking my head in a disgruntled manner, inducing a shed on a massive scale.

Everyone gasped in shock.

“Not again†I squealed desperately, as urnine started to trickle down my leg.

My boss then shouted at me.

I then fell to the floor, breaking wind on my way down and ripping a hole in my new green trousers.

Aside from wetting my pants, the only reply I could muster was “Nooooooooorwoodâ€.

My face was red and I lying on my back like a crippled antelope.

Tears were steaming down my face.

I then got up looking a complete state.

Everyone then ran out of the store, in pure unexaggerated horror after seeing my fresh horse-shoe pattern, shining like a beacon in the mirrors above the store.

I then fell back to the floor like I had been hit my a sniper before being dragged out of the store by security and thrown in the gutter, where I spent the next 5 nights, sticking pins into my Dr Coed Gho voodoo doll.

Hair loss has done it to me once more.

Hair loss has got me sacked again.


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Man that's harsh. Similar thing happened to me at my last job selling recreational equipment. A couple of young girls came in and asked if i had a cue ball for sale and I just fell apart and ran from the store.

I've launched my DJ career now and things are going great though. I'm getting massive hair growth (even on my eyebrows) - check out my interactive clip.. I'm number 1, big things are going to happen I can feal it..

Da futures looking wicked for me again..

Super Greg. Edit: the above was a joke in case anyone didn't realise :oops:
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You really need help....this story just amazed me how you let it totally control your life like that.....that's being extremely paranoid to the highest degree....

not me!

Experienced Member
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It is for real. I just happened to be there that day. The whole place reeked of piss and minoxidil.


Established Member
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Are you taking the piss :freaked2: surely that has to be a joke :wink:

Green Soap

Established Member
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Now THAT ONE....

..was actually funny. I giggled. A little.

Red Rose

Experienced Member
Reaction score
A sarcastic comment might be ironic in some ways but i find it hard to see the sarcasm in Irony...
