Hair loss from Scalp == increase in body hair??


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ever since I started losing hair from the top of my head, I've noticed that I grew more hair on my body. Coincidence?? :dunno:

I'm young so this might be normal as you're becoming adult but the hair on my arms is extremely dense so I'm just wondering...


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Me too. I have grew a lots of body and facial hair at my teenage. And then I started hair loss at early 20s.

I think it is not an coincidence. It is a physiology change that affected by androgen.

I have much more body hair than the guys in my age group. And my hair loss is much more serious than them.

So I think body hair can be an indicator that you will have hair loss in future.

But I am a 100% Asian. For those white people and middle east people is different.
They can have a lot of body hair, but still have full head of hair.

So you should compare with the guys in your same race.

I am thinking to remove the unwanted body hair, so the nutrient can reserve for hair on scalp. All hairs are keratin, if there is too much nutrient is used to make body hair, the scalp hair may be malnutrition.

But it is only my hypothesis, may be I am wrong.


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I have legs like a gorilla, honestly could do a hair transplant with them.
I have hardly any hair anywhere else, bascially I'm exactly the same as my father he has no chest/back hair and just abit under his pits and hairy legs.
difference genetically is he has no male pattern baldness, at 62* his hair is great, now im 27 and my temples have started to go.

I've probably been receeding very slowly for 3+ years and i've noticed no body hair growth anywhere. my body is the same as it was when i was 15.
I am looking for body hair regulary, as I associated it with dht/male pattern baldness etc.

My uncle from my mothers side looks like me face wise and hes is bald, also hes one hairy fella chest back the lot like a monkey.

well combination of the two sides of my family here I can only think that i got my uncles male pattern baldness gene and dads body hair gene, possible right ? so far thats what it looks like.
As i age more maybe i'll turn more into my uncle, body hair wise who knows.


I'm balding quite serious too at 21, and I don't have strong body hair. Only normal armpit and pubic hair. I have bald chest, and sparse, weak leg, arm and face hair.


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Yep I noticed this too.. Got legs like a gorilla but there light brown so looks ok. Could do with more hair on my temples though :(