Hair looks like crap thining from all over. Help


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Okay guys my hair looks drier then anything just horrible it's not bad enuf I'm just going bald but my hair is in horrible shape no matter what i do. And I'm also balding from the sides should i go to the doctor? And if so what should i say? When my Dermatalogist gave me propecia he just touched my scalp and gave it to me ;\

I can take pictures of my hairloss also if anyone wnats to see i can send over yahoo or something. Thanks alot guys ;(


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how long have you been on treatments? i know that when i was on propecia, the first few months my hair was dry and brittle as hell, and i had to wear a hat. i think it just took a while for my hair to get used to the new situations (propecia + washing everyday). i guess all you can do man, is go to a salon, and ask them what to use for ultra frizzy dry hair, they may have some nice conditioners there to help you out. you may want to try a spray on conditioner too, those really help smooth your hair out. i think you can get those at any drug stores.

as for going to the doctor, sure, if you need piece of mind go for it. my guess is, they will say male pattern baldness, and send you on your way. but... you never know.