Got the "ALL CLEAR"


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Today I finally took the time to go to a hair transplant specailist to see exactly what my situatuion is. Not just any old derm though. My dad is a Doctor so he has what you would call "connections" so the guy he sent me to was one of the best and most respected hair transplant dudes in Ireland. (Which I don't doubt- the consultation cost €250!)

To be honest, I was expecting the worst. I am a 23-year-old NW2 and I have watched my hairline closely since I first noticed a little recession when I was 17. It definitely HAS receded. (My current hairline is almost identical to Johnny Depp's inTHIS PIC) My hairline has changed to some degree over the last 7 years. No doubt about that so I was very keen to get on Propecia to make sure it didn't get any worse. But low and behold, when I got there, the guy said I had absolutely NOTHING to worry about. He said I just have a mature hairline. I was there for about an hour. He took photos, talked me through everything, explaining all the reasons that relate to the fact that I don't have any signs of male pattern baldness. As you can imagine, this was the best fuckin €250 I ever spent!

He then said if the highly unlikely case of my condition getting worse occured, he would then think about Propecia. So I have to go back in 6 months to make sure everything is OK but he said that its just a precaution and that things are looking good.

So folks, as you can imagine, I'm not gonna be posting here as much as I used to to say the least but I'll definitely pop in every now and then to see how you are all getting on. You have all been such a great help to me and for that I thank you. I also wish you all the VERY best in the future.

Good luck.


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That must have come as a relief!

It makes you wonder how many more of us out there pushed the panic button, as you did, and jumped into treatment prematurely and unnecesarily ...


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It makes you wonder how many more of us out there pushed the panic button, as you did, and jumped into treatment prematurely and unnecesarily ...

First off, Good new Jude!

As far as premature treatment I dont know if such a thing really exists :) Lets face it, most men **WILL** develop male pattern baldness sometime in their lives. The sooner on gets on treatments the better. At least that is the way I look at it.


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who was the hair transplant specialist that you saw? I don't know about you refferning to a dermatologist as 'any old derm' in addition to being qualified doctors, they spend an extra 6-7 years studying a specific yes there may be dermatologists that are experts in thier field but would not go as far as implying that dermatologists are unfit in this area.

My point is that dermatologist are specialist in a partciluar field, and that thier knowledge in the field should not be just brushed away with total disregard. Wthi that said i always think that a 2nd, or 3rd opinion should always be sought.


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What his doctor decribed actually happened to me. I developed a mature hairline in my early 20's. It wasn't until AT LEAST 20 years later that I developed any furthur noticible thinning of my hair. My dad developed his "horseshoe pattern" in his early 20's. If I knew then what I know now and if the drugs had been available, I would probably have started treatment 20 or 30 years sooner than necessary.


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I too started receding in my late teens and at 23 I was about a Norwood-2. I thought I was totally screwed and would be bald within a few years. At the time, if propecia existed, I would have been all over it. But there were no good treatments (that I was aware of - internet not big at that time :lol: ). So I did nothing and just accepted it. Funny thing is that the loss slowed down by itself and my hair didn't change much for 7 years. Thats 7 years without having to take drugs or slap gunk on my head. If I was talking propecia, I would have attributed my halted hairloss to it, when in fact, it had slowed on its own.

Unfortunately at about 30, it started again: Im starting to thin on top and my hairline is getting worse, so now Im on meds at 33. But In'm glad I had those 7 (relatively) worry free years w/o drugs.


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i think it's about time we male pattern baldness sufferers pay a little visit to mother natures house with some brass knuckles and golf clubs, and get even with her for my hair or lack there of.

OR we could take over the world and re engineer society so that bald me are wanted by women all over the world