Got off minoxidil at last


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It's been about 10 days now. No shed.

I'm glad to be off this bullshit. Never did anything for me, and I've only seen modest results for others. I didn't get any major sides, but I never felt comfortable taking it in the long term, and it left flaky sh*t in my hair every day.

Screw you minoxidil, I'm off you for good.


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Are you sure about this? I was thinking the same when I quit in '08.. Then two months later had the biggest shed yet.


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We'll see what happes. I never grew on the stuff or even maintained, so I'm not sure what I have to shed. I've got some left if I need to get back on it, but I don't wanna keep applying this stuff just because I'm scared of getting off it.


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To make this thread mean anything, could you at least tell us how long you have been applying minoxidil, and if you had any results at all?
Also what type of hairloss you have? You're not just one of those slight temple recession NW1's, are you?


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peter079 said:
To make this thread mean anything, could you at least tell us how long you have been applying minoxidil, and if you had any results at all?
Also what type of hairloss you have? You're not just one of those slight temple recession NW1's, are you?

Finally someone even more aggressive than me on this forum!

Here are some facts for ya:

1. Aggressive young hairloss. 23 y/o, NW3 with diffuse thinning in NW6 pattern.

2. Approx. 2 years on minoxidil

3. Loss has continued at the same pace despite minoxidil use. I have never noticed regrowth or slowing from it.

4. My assumption at the moment - or rather hope - is that as a non-responder, I will equally be a non-shedder. We will see.

Mens Rea

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Careful mate. How long were u on it? You might want to think about going off it gradually

i was fine for 3 months then i shed like a b**ch. regained most of it though but i went back on it so ill never know exactly how much i would have regained otherwise. it was a shock shed im guessing.

i was on it 3 years prior with little to no results . i use it no because i guess it helped(s) me somewhat.


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If you go on minoxidil, and it does nothing for you, does it make your hair minoxidil dependant even if you dont respond to it?

I am currently using minoxidil (only for about 2 weeks so far) and if it does not work for me, i dont want to end up worse off then i was before.

Also what are the success rates for minoxidil? in the real world rather then what the manufacturers claim. Do most people respond well to it? 50/50? or less then that?


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karlg said:
If you go on minoxidil, and it does nothing for you, does it make your hair minoxidil dependant even if you dont respond to it?

I am currently using minoxidil (only for about 2 weeks so far) and if it does not work for me, i dont want to end up worse off then i was before.

Also what are the success rates for minoxidil? in the real world rather then what the manufacturers claim. Do most people respond well to it? 50/50? or less then that?

That's the big question, and the answer is: nobody really knows.

Frankly, I was (and still am) scared that I'll have somehow made myself dependant on the stuff. But frankly, I hated the feeling that I was staying on a product that was doing no good just because I was scared I'd see negative results if I stopped. It's like Rogaine was holding a gun to my head forcing me to keep buying the stuff.

So I got off it. So far, no shed. Will there be one? Hell knows. I'm great so far, though.


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hey boondock, how thin is you hair in general? You mentioned you were thinning in a NW6 pattern. I'm the same age, with less temple recession than you but same diffuse pattern. My hair is just now getting see through when its dry in sunlight, if that makes any sense. wet it looks horrible, dry and its not noticeable yet. getting close though.


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hi, I was a good responder but had to stop minoxidil cause it was irritating my scalp and it was the worst thing happened to my scalp was so itchy that I literally scratched away my flesh at the morning my head was full of wounds and doctor said that it was propilene glycol (can't spell :whistle: ) and I used propilene glycol free lotions but I had the same problem and had to stop...I been using 2% minoxidil for 1 year and I was fine...after 1 year the doctor said to switch to 3% minoxidil and after 3 weeks my head was burning with pain...I think I am allergic to alcohol or worst case I'm allergic to minoxidil...I will try nanominox 2%, this will be my last chance with minoxidil, if I fail I will try with ell cranell alpha alone and natural dht minoxidil really necessary to stop hair loss?


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hey boondock, how thin is you hair in general? You mentioned you were thinning in a NW6 pattern. I'm the same age, with less temple recession than you but same diffuse pattern. My hair is just now getting see through when its dry in sunlight, if that makes any sense. wet it looks horrible, dry and its not noticeable yet. getting close though.

My hair's not bad in general. I'm about NW2.5. I've got some level of thinning right back to the crown, though it's not too awful. You can't see much of a difference, but when I rub my hand down the back of my head you can feel it's thicker than the front.

Still no shed guys.


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karlg said:
If you go on minoxidil, and it does nothing for you, does it make your hair minoxidil dependant even if you dont respond to it?

I been usin minoxidil for 2 years...then I quit cold turkey and I did not experience a massive shed, maybe I was not responding to it or maybe minoxidil addiction is it's 5 years since I quit and my male pattern baldness is only slightly worse compared to 7 years ago when I started minoxidil...give it a try and if u do not see results after 6 months quit! Start with 2% so if the addiction is real it will be weaker than 5% minoxidil


boondock- dont listen to the other posters who are saying you are wrong for your decision. I'm gonna say good for you for not being a slave to this sh*t anymore. you gave it a good go on minoxidil and i'm sure your fed up with not seeing anything out of it. so once again, good for you bud.

you probably feel like there is a little burden lifted from you each morning and night now too. :bravo:


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Boondock said:
karlg said:
If you go on minoxidil, and it does nothing for you, does it make your hair minoxidil dependant even if you dont respond to it?

I am currently using minoxidil (only for about 2 weeks so far) and if it does not work for me, i dont want to end up worse off then i was before.

Also what are the success rates for minoxidil? in the real world rather then what the manufacturers claim. Do most people respond well to it? 50/50? or less then that?

That's the big question, and the answer is: nobody really knows.

Frankly, I was (and still am) scared that I'll have somehow made myself dependant on the stuff. But frankly, I hated the feeling that I was staying on a product that was doing no good just because I was scared I'd see negative results if I stopped. It's like Rogaine was holding a gun to my head forcing me to keep buying the stuff.

So I got off it. So far, no shed. Will there be one? Hell knows. I'm great so far, though.

Boondock, if you've had no response on minoxidil then I wouldn't worry about any shed. My belief is that only hairs that were induced to grow by the minoxidil are dependent on it and since you didn't grow any, you should be ok. I guess one could argue that it was helping you maintain and you could lose those hairs but in my experience minoxidil won't keep you from losing anything, just help you grow what you already lost.


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Boondock, if you've had no response on minoxidil then I wouldn't worry about any shed. My belief is that only hairs that were induced to grow by the minoxidil are dependent on it and since you didn't grow any, you should be ok. I guess one could argue that it was helping you maintain and you could lose those hairs but in my experience minoxidil won't keep you from losing anything, just help you grow what you already lost.

Indeed. And to be honest, it's several weeks now since I've been off it and I've noticed no change, just as I noticed no change when I went on it.

To be honest with you Nene there is another factor in here too. I didn't drop minoxidil for nothing, but took up a topical regimen of eucapil and Prox-N. And, for the first time in a couple of years, I've noticed zero shed throughout the day. I thought it was because I shaved my head, but now it's grown out and I can rub shampoo through my hair and nothing comes out. I'm increasingly optimistic about my chances to slow my loss down significantly - and I haven't even unleashed the 'nuclear' option of topical RU58841 yet.


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Sounds like you're making the right decision quitting the minoxidil. Hmmm, how does proxn and eucapil work for stopping hair loss? I'm ignorant about the non big 3 treatments I hear people throw around like spironolactone, prox n etc.


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I had no luck with spironolactone.

Eucapil has had success with other users, and seems to have some scientific backing.

Frankly I have NO idea how Prox-N works, but Bryan is a huge advocate of Dr Proctor's products. That's a big endorsement if you ask me.

I cannot say I'm getting sustained success. All I can say is that, apart from my trials of finasteride, I have never been able to get to a stage of no shedding from any other treatment regimen.


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Hello Friends,
2 months back I quit minoxidil after three years of usage because of fuc*ing headache problem. I still shedding but with buzz cut I look ok.

Any idea how much time minoxidil shed happen, another 3, 4 month?

Thank you!
