Got my Licorice 1/4lb. from Herbal Extracts Plus


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The stuff we have been talking about finally arrived! Although it is not the Polyol Soluble P-U, you guys think I should go ahead and add some to the shampoo anyway?

or are we still leery over the 20% Glycyrrhizic Acid being a strong 5A reductase inhibitor blah blah!!!!

Let me know, cause if not, I got a lot of candy to make :woot: :woot: :woot: !


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riptiduh!! What is the smell?? Give us some feedback of the stuff!!!


I am pretty sure more people bought that sh*t but too shy to talk over the forums...I like it!!! :)


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I have not tried it in my shampoo yet, still waiting to take a shower. The smell, is fairly strong, but the taste WOWZA!!
It tastes so good I might have to skip the treatment and eat it all hahaha!! Just kiddin, anyway...
It is definitely a dark brown and doesn't have the nasty taste of the extract I bought at Beyond A Century.

All I can say is I hope that it helps that much more. I have some regrowth to do at the front which will put me back to in the NW1 realm again, I am hoping this will do it.

How much do I add to my shampoo? I currently use this;

I diluted 1ml in a shot glass to see how well it dissolves. It worked perfectly and dissolved well, although I am not a chemist, it seemed good enough for me. As far as staining, I can't tell right now. It didn't seem to stain my finger.

Seems like good stuff, don't know if it is the exact thing we are looking for but keep your fingers crossed!!


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Rip, I'm looking forward to getting your feedback on the licorice shampoo. I am considering buying some myself. Would you be willing to apply some to your body hair so we can can get an idea on the effectiveness of the anti-androgenic properties?


Experienced Member
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Prevent99 said:
Rip, I'm looking forward to getting your feedback on the licorice shampoo. I am considering buying some myself. Would you be willing to apply some to your body hair so we can can get an idea on the effectiveness of the anti-androgenic properties?

x2. I'd say make some sort of Licorice topical & "wash" one wrist with it daily. After a couple months, judge the results and report your findings.


Senior Member
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I'm going to test a lot of stuff on body hair to see if it is any good.

So far, spironolactone, curcumin, and green tea extract and lavendar are the only ones I'd put right on my head immediately. I will test their strength too. No point in buying more stuff until I've tested these. But I will buy that PU if I get the chance. Only if it is somewhat reasonably priced though.


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CCS...Did you get news about the Poly P-U ???


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How do I make the solution with which to apply?

Ethyl Alcohol and Licorice? What ratio????