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Today i went into my pharmacy to obtain a refill on proscar, which for some reason says "avoid cutting" on the label. i wonder why, but it was adressed to women. anyways screw taking 1mg propecia...its all the same thing FINASTERIDE. The more the better right? Well...that's a little ignorant but I dont seem to be having any side effects, so whatever. I'm taking 2.5mgs then. Hopefully thats better, or this stuff is dose efficient.

ANyways, i was denied avodart. SHe said the stuff is for BPH or something...and refused to prescribe it for hair. I was shocked. I said that it CAN be used for hair,....and she then returned, yeah but its not approved for hair, and if anything were to happen,, etc etc.
I live in Northern New Jersey, USA.

I guess,...i'd have to resort from ordering it online or out of country,..but is it really WORTH all the effort?

Or should i just stick to higher doses of finasteride.

If I'm not mistaken, some people said that finasteride was more effective than avodart, and avodart's results were only "SLIGHTLY" higher than finasterides.

Plus I had to pah $90 for a 30 pill thing, since im currently uninsured.

<--loser ;-(.

anyways, someone offer me some advice here!>

I'm also on 1% Nizoral, 5% rogaine, T Gel, Shen min dht inhibiting pills and a scalp serum ( although it says do not use more than one hair cream at one time on the rogaine bottle, oh well :-:p)

As of right now i notice shedding...but im comforted that i've taken all the steps i can for my hair loss. I"m a beginner, i only started this a month or two ago...i have a receding hairline, white male, dirty blonde wavy hair, and im 23 years old...i havent lost much hair really, but its gotten weaker, and i can see my scalp now, which i havent been able to before.

someone PLEASE help me out on the avodart issue...and tell me if im doing the best i can.

thank you.

<--Hopeless in New Jersey.

not me!

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You should probably also consider stopping wasting your money on the worthless Shen Min pills.


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Ok so the shen min products are completely worthless even the topicals?

i didnt know that 2.5mg of finasteride was high.

what's more beneficial, a high dose of finasteride or just avodart?

not me!

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There is a chart floating around here somewhere that showcases the amounts of serum and scalp DHT inhibited by different amounts of both Dutasteride and Finasteride. If I come across it I will post it here.


Nickie said:
Ok so the shen min products are completely worthless even the topicals?


Nickie said:
i didnt know that 2.5mg of finasteride was high.
what's more beneficial, a high dose of finasteride or just avodart?

normal finasteride dose for male pattern baldness is 1mg, the amount of DHT inhibited by 2.5mg is only fractionaly higher than 1mg, but carries a disproportionately higher risk of side effects, you may only develop these side effects many months down the line.


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Ok since im a total moronPLEASE someone help me. a shortcut.

nizoral 1 or 2%?

proscar 1mg propecia, or 2.5 or 5,.

and should i bother taking any nutrients like hair force..stuff made to help the hair, even shen min.

if its COMPLETELY worthless than say so.


Nickie said:
nizoral 1 or 2%?

I don't know the answer to his one I use 2%.

Nickie said:
proscar 1mg propecia, or 2.5 or 5,.

1mg of finasteride which can be obtained from:

1 propecia tablet or 1 fifth of a Proscar tablet.

Nickie said:
and should i bother taking any nutrients like hair force..stuff made to help the hair, even shen min.

if its COMPLETELY worthless than say so.



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Nickie said:
nizoral 1 or 2%

Most studies show that 1% is as effective as 2%. In the US, you need a prescription to get 2% but can get 1% OTC.


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IS AVODART more effective than FINASTERIDE,.....and,,

IS avodart just a higher concentrated dose of finasteride,

or are they totally different drugs?


Established Member
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NUHAIR/shen min ADD IT or leave IT

I like to use as much as possible just because im paranoid, and it would be cool to think that these pills could at least do SOMETHING...give my hair a little more umph at the very least.

do they do ANYTHING even in the most minimal,
or is it COMPLETE garbage. the pills, the dht inhibiting serum, etc.

I'll consider opinions only after a good 5-6 people reply.